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Discussion in 'Seasoned Marijuana Users' started by Bud Head, Feb 26, 2003.

  1. Cottons....You are not allowed to practice witch craft on this site. o many computers that might get the spell indstead of the person who needed it. Therefore instead of relieving RMJL's headache you might give one of us a headache! LMAO!
  2. LOL bh!!! i wouldn't have done it while i was stoned... i practiced before i started smoking weed, so it was actually slightly better. my mind was a lot clearer :) if you don't propperly drain the energy back into the earth after invoking the "lord and the lady" (like the head pagan god and goddess) you get this funny stoned/drunk/euphoric feeling due to the buildup of energy within yourself.

    but like i said... i don't practice anymore. this is due to me finding out where all that power actually came from.

    by the way stylez... not everyone who practices witchcraft is goth. you'd be surprised at how popular the occult has been getting lately... with people from all walks of life. it's not good though. i strongly recommend that people stay away from it.
  3. u guys are crazy. you don't need witchcraft to get rid of a headache... especially a migraine... i know something thats the ultimate one dose and migraine gone cure, it's worked every single time i hada migraine. this amazing wonder cure is....


    silly nincompoops. hehe.

    it will stop the onset of a migraine dead. stop a already evil migraine, dead. there simply is no other cure. don't be taking any pills for em ever again rumjil. just toke a little medi J to vanish the craziness of a migraine away.

    I woulda danced for ya bud, but i got a bad back again, and unfortunately i got none of the wonder herb.
  4. Digit, the thing that is ironic about what you say is that I'm on a break. 28 days now. The last time I took a break, I got migraines. I think going without weed messed me up!

    As for your back, I'd give you an amazing rub down that would make you feel 100% better. Also, whenever you feel like dancing but can't, let me know, I'll dance for ya!!! ;) LOL!!! I'll dance for don't mind lap dances, do you??? ;)

  5. But I was CERTAIN he was coming with the heat right away!

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