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  1. #1 Deleted member 184305, Jun 1, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 2, 2018
  2. Just curious, but how much did you pay?
  3. It looks pretty good, but you will get everybody on here telling you that you cant tell by looks but id say it is dank.
  4. Doesn't look too bad, but it really is hard to tell. For what it's worth...I'd smoke it lol
  5. looks like superb bud, your gonna have a great time if you have a low tolerance =}
  6. Looks great - But only smoking it will truly let us know how good it is.

    So, my house or yours?

    Just kidding! :smoke:

  7. #7 Deleted member 184305, Jun 2, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 2, 2018
  8. I have that going around by me at the moment. It was an aweasome high, more of a body high in my oppinion.
  9. $20 a gram? ya i'd say you got ripped off. he should have only been asking $15 a gram tops. looks like some good bud though.
  10. The bud looks great but $20 a gram? that's a bit too pricey. however if you got money its no big deal.
  11. #11 Deleted member 184305, Jun 2, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 2, 2018
  12. Man, if you cant tell thats dank then you have problems, you got some dank ass bud right there.
  13. Looks like danks, looks really dense too, which is good if you have a grinder, b/c it breaks up a lot. Deff looks good though, how much you pay though? thats the big question
  14. #14 Deleted member 184305, Jun 2, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 2, 2018
  15. i wouldnt say you got ripped, 20 bucks isnt completely horrible if thats what your area is like.

    looks like pretty good stuff, buy maybe its just the pics but it looks kinda dried out, dark coloring but dry and dense.
    include a smoke report, like how it smells, how it tastes, how it hits, etc.
    but in the end if itll get you baked (especially as its the 2nd highest youve gotten) then youre fine man, dont worry just burn
  16. That bud really looks good. Tell us about it once you'll have the chance to smoke it.


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