40-Day THC break

Discussion in 'General' started by tonyhimselff, Oct 10, 2010.

  1. So today my mom left for Mexico, im unsure whether she's ever coming back. But since she's gone my dad decided to set extra rules. My parents know that i smoked but didnt say anything really, but since my mom left my dad decided to make me stop.

    In 40-Days he's going to drug test me, if i dont pass im getting kicked out and pretty much abandond by all family because they are wrong informed of Marijuana, they think its deadly and makes you schizo.
    But if i do pass i get my car insurance payed so i can start driving to school and make it easier for me to get a job.

    So starting Monday im officially on a THC break :eek:
  2. GOOD luck brah
  3. I managed to stretch out a 30 day break in to 2 years good luck with that
  4. good luck buddy.

    this one's for you.
  5. LOL i love GC community!!

    How motivating
  6. LOL so true...
  7. at least he gave you 40 days though:rolleyes:
  8. +1. Its definitely a great deal. Car insurance isn't cheap.
  9. yeah, ima have to pay him back though. I start my new job monday :D
  10. Ouch. Well, should have your dad watch the Union if he hasn't. I know, that gets brought up a lot. Unfortunately, pre-conceived notions tend to hold more weight than educated notions.....It's just easier to believe things we've always believed, than open up a new way of thinking.....which is where a lot of parents struggle.

    Kinda crappy situation overall though.

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