4 plants. 10 gallon pots. Led/cfl. 850w real watts.Soil. Week by week.

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by Illfeed, Dec 26, 2019.

  1. #21 Illfeed, Jan 23, 2020
    Last edited: Jan 23, 2020
    Been battling high PH. Added too much calcium carbonate to combat the sulphur. Now added sulphur to combat the calcium carbonate. The high PH caused the leaves to twist, plants drooped. New growth turned yellow.

    This is my first grow........

    Still in veg. Plan on 1 more month veg. Ordering 1000w hps today.

    This time last week.

  2. #22 Illfeed, Jan 23, 2020
    Last edited: Jan 23, 2020
    1 month of veg. Man I had some issues. Without the pest and ph issues, things would be a lot better. 20191226_143234.jpg

    A month later. I'm not that happy, things could have been worse, they could of being better as well. Had a lot of ph fluctuations up and down. Couldn't of have been good tipping acid and bases onto roots. Plus over watered heaps to get ph up and down.

    Problem started when I added too much sulphur, then added calcium carbonate, my ph was around 5. Now calcium carbonate kicked in, all of a sudden I have twisted leaves and chlorosis on new growth. Would have leached out a lot of the goodness in soil.

    That and the pests.....

    Could of being much better.

  3. I removed the two smaller plants. Kept the two larger plants. I added too much calcium carbonate to soil, have high pH soil now, battling to keep pH down.

    Tied down the two larger plants. Will veg a few more weeks, when they get a bit taller, turn to flower.

    Got a 600w hps light coming.

    PH is proving hard to reduce. Using elemental sulphur and phosphoric acid. Should have a lot of calcium phosphate in the soil, be good for flowering I'd imagine.

    IMG_20200131_111427.jpg First grow. Never adding calcium carbonate again......

    Once the plants get to height of cfl I will switch to flower.
  4. Has the ph sucked in that soil the whole time.
  5. N
    No, only when watering increased.
    • Like Like x 1
  6. How did this grow finish?
  7. I ripped out the plants in disgust and frustration.
  8. I ripped out the plants in disgust and frustration.
  9. I ripped out the plants in disgust and frustration.

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