I'm looking at two LED lights... One has 160 5w LEDs ( california light works solar storm 800w ) and the other has 336 3w LEDs ( Hydro grow 336x PRO 500w ) Which one would be better?? ( 3x3 grow tent...3 plants....dwc bucket system )
I now have two SolarFlare 200's because I like the 5 watt diode. Owned several Pro Grows previously. Am happy with Calif Light Works and run them 24/7. I think you would be quite happy with the SolarStorm.
Thanks boss. I was leaning more towards the solar storm. Just thinking though...wouldn't 336 3w be better than 160 5 w? 1008w > 800w
Pfff thats out of the question. The thing is though the solar storm had more watts at the wall. Thats more important correct?Sent from my SCH-I545 using Grasscity Forum mobile app
Check out my journal. Its in this same section. I've got two 400w solar storms. Sent from my Nexus 7 using Grasscity Forum mobile app
The larger watt the diode, the better. More PAR. The 3w ones won't emit as much PAR as a 5w. The solarstorm is the best, albeit EXPENSIVE, LED on the market right now.
I have a 6x2x5 1/2 for closet. .I have a 400watt hps light and three 135 watt led grow lights. Entire cloSet is Mylared. About how many phototype bagseed plants would you suggest I grow with this amount of space and light? ???. Sent from my SPH-M840 using Grasscity Forum mobile app