3 random plants

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by andy666, Feb 8, 2008.

  1. Hello Ive visited this site a lot but never registered...Anyways I remember a couple weeks ago a friend told me that he planted some seeds on the side of my house in this planter box thing. It wasnt serious, he just stuck them in the dirt when he was smoking... Now im looking over there today and there is 3 plants maybe 5 or 6 inches tall that I am almost positive is weed. So I live in San Diego and its raining everyonce in a while right now....is there anything I can or should do to ensure these plants grow? Thank you...
  2. Make sure the neighbors cant see. Make sure no one can see. I personally wouldn't grow on my property, outside anyways.

    But make sure they have light... they get water and fertilize them.

    Also.. do some research.

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