1) my plants are a week old and im debating when to take the zip lock off the red cup and expose them. 2)what week are little ones supposed to be transplanted to a bigger pot? 3)what week do i start nutes? 2?
Zip lock is basically for moisture. More important when cloning than seeds. I've never actually used a bag over my cups. I just keep the soil moist for the first week, then after that I let it dry out and water when it does. You transplant when they need more space. There is no set date or time when a plant needs to be transplanted. If the roots are creeping out of the drainage holes it might be time to consider a larger pot. Starting nutes varies as well. You could start them on nutrients at 2 weeks but you would want to start off with a pretty small dosage to let them get used to their new food.
I've used a ziplock before. What I did was cut a small hole in the top and kept making the hole bigger and eventually took it off. Overall it was on the cut for about 1.5 weeks after it sprouted. I think you want to slowly introduce it to its new settings though. that's what i was told anyways, hence the holes. I've sinced moved to a humidity dome and they work fantastic you should really look into using one for your next grow. good luck!