3 pics of my 1st ever!!!

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by kushisfire, May 28, 2009.

  1. couple pictures of my 1st ever plant.. excited to see what happens..

    this is the last sunday....


    this is today

  2. lookin good man. keep it up. your gonna wanna transplant soon though...
  3. yeah i def plan on it, just waiting for it to get a lil bigger.. just started growing recently about 5 days ago
  4. yea but i would transplant like in a day or two because root systems expand fast and you dont want bound roots.
  5. how big of a pot should I put it in? I plan on having it go outside once the sun comes back out. Its been raining for the past couple days..
  6. depends on the size of plant you want. Since your putting outside, I would say your gonna want a good sized pot, at least 4-5 gallons.
  7. I would do a 2 transplant veg.

    Transplant now to something 6 to 8 inches diameter and deeper than it is wide. 2 weeks before you want to switch to 12/12, transplant again into 5 gallon bucket with drainage holes.

    Always fill your containers close to the top. Better air circulation at the base, and possiby light penetration.

    Good luck and welcome to GC.
  8. #8 kushisfire, May 29, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: May 29, 2009
    sounds good, how long do you think i should go before i switch to a 12/12.. im totally new to this whole growing thing, but would love to learn.

    edit: would it hurt to just skip the 2-3 gallon bucket and just go to the 5 gallon now or do you recommend transplanting twice? I'm asking because I'm neverous about transplanting and messing something up so I would rather just do it once, because this is the only plant I have and I'm hoping it all turns out well.
  9. Unless you somehow find a way to destroy your entire rootball, you can't really mess it up so bad your plant wouldn't bounce back given a little time and tlc.

    Transplanting in easy and has benefits (according to what I've read)

    Smaller containers give the root mass a shorter wet/dry cycle. This is supposed to increase root development, but I can't say it from experience.

    I think you would be able to do a single transplant, and not have to procure a second set of pots.
  10. am I in the veg. stage now? when does that start and when do I switch to the flower stage? sorry for the newb questions..

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