3 days of rolling, drinking, and shrooms

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by SuicidalSpaz, Aug 6, 2008.

  1. Hey guys, spaz here. Well, the last three days were... Shit, I wish I remembered them.

    My boys came up sunday night to visit. I drove 30 minutes down south to pick them up. We met up at my boy Justins, and commenced smoking 3 nice ass blunts.

    Did I mentioned my encounter with the dealer? No? Well, I called him while I was on the parkway, at 10:15, he normally stops selling at 10, but happened to be out at a wawa about 10 minutes from my exit. He informed me that I needed to hurry, and that I did.

    I got there in 6 minutes, driving like a fiend. The order? 6 E pills, an 8th of quite potent herb, and some yayo. Expensive order, but definitly needed for that night.

    So we smoked our blunts, laughed, cried and ate some awesome whitecastle. Stopped on the way up to get some more too. Driving back to my house to party and drink with girls.

    We each had 2 E pills, and took the white G's up. Hoe's down once we got them.

    About half way on the trip, J busted out his baggie of coke, and began cutting lines. There we were, 11pm on the New Jersey Parkway, rolling and high as fuck, about to kill a 2 grammer bag of some fishscale. What an adventurous night.

    So we get to my house, And every street light had an aura about it. Tracers on them, with beautiful shades of purple red and green about them too. We couldn't stop talking about how wonderful life was, how perfect it all felt at that moment.

    Then we walked into the house, and every drunk person greeted us screaming: 'eyyyyyy!!!! Loud as fuck. The hatred and contempt I have for drunk people when I roll is deep, they annoy the fuck out of me. All in my face babbling on about some bullshit you can't understand while their alcohol- tainted breathe burns your nostrils... Obliterated and obnoxious. But the hotties made it better.

    So we busted out the 8ball worth of coke that was left, and began to do a little more.

    Smoking wonderful herb.
    Rolling face.
    Snorting unbelievable coke.

    What a night. Two downers, two amazing uppers. We tried beer pong, but did not have the patience to wait for our next turn, and just bugged out. We subbed two people in, and went back to the party, girls, and all the wonderful wonderful yummy assortment of drugs that we hit. The gravity Bong taught us a lesson too...

    We were FUCKED up, emphasis on the FUCKED part. We decided to go for a walk around the town. What an awesome idea.

    Skied out, high as a fucking kite, and rolling like a muh'fucker. Our bodies were buzzing, they felt warm and fuzzy. Everything was so clear, yet so blurry.

    So we walk near this one house. About 6-8 girls appear to be partying, and quite drunk. They yell to us, and tell us to " get your asses over here." So we did the smart thing, and obliged. Such a great idea. None of us remember what happened, but we all woke up with hickies.

    Don't remember where or when I fell asleep, but we all awoke. Had to get eric back down south for work. We rolled a blunt and began the journey home. We bring eric to work, and It is I, J, and B.

    So B and J and I make a call, and decide to get more E. The dealer informs us he has 3 1/8th's of some nice homegrown boomers. So ofcourse we decide to take them too. We headed to their job- the movies, and meet up with eric. We headed into The Mummy, all fucked up and for free. Awesome movie, definitly a crazy trip.

    So we leave the movies, And I prepare for the ride home. I get back home, and drop another E bomb. Had me feeling REAL nice...

    Definitly a fun time. Wish I could have added more, but none of us remember much. I was basically sleep and food deprived for 3 days, and it felt so good to eat today. Can't wait to sleep....
  2. You sound really cool.
  3. agreed
  4. all his threads are this cool!!
  5. if theres one thing you will learn about the city, its that johnnyweedseed and spaz are the two craziest members on here. and they tell the best stories. sounds like a rediculous night, wait, weekend. was it the yay or the E that made the street lights like that because I just recently tried blow and nothing like that happend.
  6. Damn those three day weekends are always fun this sounds like my first days of summer except no coke... but hey i dont judge i bet it was fun
  7. damn boy.

    sounds like what im planning for this weekend.

    except i dont really do coke as much as i used to.

    maybe ill try to write up one of my binges one of these days.

    hard to remember though.

  8. Just another day in the life of a gangsta..... seriously though that how my nights go everyday
  9. SPAZ!!!!

    How's it going man?
    Sounded like a wonderful binge.
    Get some rest.
  10. Hey Naku! Thanks for the feedback. Wait until this weekend, I'm throwing a Candyflipping party at my house. Got crazy sick ideas for it.
  11. whaddup man i know u live down the jersey shore...right?

    sounds like a sick night, good to hear from you again. :wave:

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