2weeks old

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by Proto006, Aug 8, 2019.

  1. So I had couple seeds and thru them into a big pot outside jus to see if they would sprout. couple weeks ago they did, few days ago i notice a bunch of spider mites in the soil and stuff and figure I'd go ahead and dig them up and put them in sum organic soil i got today. the smallest one root broke right at the stem but i still stuck it in the new soil and in its own pot. the bigger one that is few days older i got the roots up good all together and stuck in another pot. I've water it and stuff but was worried the smaller one wouldnt grow. the bigger one is lil leaning over sum but has been for a day or two now. they are both outside. if anyone could give me sum answers that would be great.

    thank ya

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  2. Have you heard of perlite it is a small porous rock like thing that airates the soil so more oxygen can get to the roots. She is heavily overwatered idk what kind of soil that is but it's best to use a weed specific soil. Fox farms has some and others that's just the one that comes to mind. Is this outdoor?
  3. Oops read the post after.
  4. It's stretching trying to get more light....are you leaving it outside the entire time...or are you gonna bring it in now and use indoor lighting in a grow room of some sort?
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  5. was going to leave outside
  6. I jus watered it after I transported it too the new pit the other one was in old soil with spider mites every where.. yes this is outdoors
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  7. I guess it was stretching cause at first it was too close to the side of this pot. if it doesnt work out, I'll jus have to get some more seeds from somewhere and get that fox farm soil. right now I got them on my screened in balcony and it gets sun thru out the day

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  8. You need to place each plant in it's own separate pot. With how small those seedlings are the should have been placed in solo cups or a one gal. Pot. I would leave it how it is now, just remember for next time. Oh wait is that the before pic. Hope the little ones make it but if not you will get there. I just got my first good ones going and this is my 3rd time trying. Just got a bunch of small plants the first 2x.
  9. they are both in separate pots right now, the before pic was them just thru into a pot seeing if it was going to sprout. but now I got some fox farm soil them both.. you know any root boost I could use with it. ir jus leave em alone once I put them in the fox farm soil. when they were in one pot together I had to get em out cause there were so many spider mites around it
  10. know where I can get some more beans?
    I'll toss em if I had more beans
  11. There are ALOT of reputable seed sites online....a quick 30 second search will land you with several to choose from
  12. The vault has a good selection and I have sent cash and used c.c. there with no problems. Mykos is good to use when you transplant. Other than that I think it's worth trying to save. Here is a pics of some plants that had a rough life and still gave me something to smoke.
  13. doing better in fox farm soil 20190811_093823.jpg 20190811_093748.jpg 20190811_093807.jpg
  14. If you have more soil....fill that pot all the way up to cover some of that stretching stem
  15. will do thanks for the help
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