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2nd grow, floro/CFL

Discussion in 'Marijuana Grow Journals' started by ThePot, Sep 14, 2007.

  1. So here is my second attempt of a grow. Just got 21 grams off my first harvest (2 plants).
    This is so I have an updated of my own progress, and hopefully to entertain at least a few of you. :)

    I just finished the first week, planted on 9/5.

    They're under a 2x 48" t12 fixture with a 5000k and a 4100k tube, along with 2 26w daylight CFLs. Soil is organic, gardener's gold or something, with some MG perlite added. Only fed bottled water, every 3 days or so. They seem pretty happy with everything.

    Planning is to veg for a total of 4-5 weeks and throw them into flower with either 5 42w 2700k
    or 2 floro tubes with 2-3 clf supplementary lights. floros being 3000k and/or 4100k.

    any advice/critiques are greatly welcomed

    Check back for updates and pics!

    thanks, enjoy

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  2. 30 views and not one reply :( whats up with that?
  3. they look good
    how many total watts do u have for veg?
  4. ummm 52 watts of cfl and 80 watts floro so 132 watts total. compared to like 104 maybe for my first grow
  5. Heres the latest updates/pics

    These are from day 13, just after they were transplanted... the last 2 pics are the same plant. probably gonna change the light schedule to 18/6 in a day or 2 as well.

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  6. lol

    They look fine! Nice green and short! Good Job!

    how's that for an atta boy??

    I myself would keep them lights on all the time during veg

    if you think about it, floros don't give off all that many lumens comapred to HID so 24/7 gets as much out of your lights as you can...

    LST for the same reason

    (bear in mind I am vegging for my 5th time right now, still learning here too)
  7. Well I changed the light schedule to 20/4 vs 18/6, just for the hell of it..

    one question, for LSTing, should I be tying down just the stem or the fan elaves too?
  8. i hope my plant looks like yours at one week. There looking good, hopefully you'll get a big yeild. Keep us updated
  9. Thanks for the feedback guys.

    Heres the newest update, day 19, 6 days after the previous pics. I started LST on 2, how do they look??? also started giving 3 of 4 molasses when I water, just for shits and giggles.

    thats about it for now, check back soon!
  10. Thanks for the feedback guys.

    Heres the newest update, day 19, 6 days after the previous pics. I started LST on 2, how do they look??? also started giving 3 of 4 molasses when I water, just for shits and giggles. PIC 5 and 6 are the same plant

    thats about it for now, check back soon!

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  11. 3 weeks old! and goin good.

    started LSTing them today with real string, not paperclips

    bought a humidity/temp doo hickey

    79 degrees, 31% humidity, too low???

  12. 31 is kinda on the low side but if it isn't hurting them don't worry about it

    I would think controlling relative humidity at this point would be more trouble than its worth and could easily introduce mold

    just my .02 and should be taken as such
  13. Day 33! almost week 5

    heres the newest update, sorry for slackin for the past 2 weeks.

    They are all lookin good, some ragged leaves from a mischievous cat

    ATM humidity is @ 60% but its usually around 35-40. Temp is 75 F

    I dunno how much longer I'll veg, maybe another week or 2. (esp. for the little one.)
    Theyre in 3 gallon buckets, I think... About 1/2 cup dolomite lime and a lil bone meal added. They seem to like it soo far. Might need a little more feeding before flower
    what do you think??

    here are some pics

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  14. is my journal really that boring?

  15. Nah it's not boring, people just don't always respond. I deal with the same thing on my thread.

    Keep it up man, you'll be seeing frosty buds in no time!!! :hello:
  16. well goin to flowering very soon, check back for some new buds :D
  17. keep it updated!
    check mine out 2 while your at it =P
  18. Yeah, remember journals are mostly for reading not always just for comments, as for your plants they are looking awesome, update w/ pics man!
  19. How long do u plan on vegging?

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