Would 240W Quantum Board from Bava on Alibaba be enough for a 3x3x6.5 About 2 or 3 plants in coco. Thank you.
Hlg was the first one to market with this kit and they list its flowering footprint as 3×3 so you should be good . The 240 kits will actually push 260watts. Some listings even call it a 260 watt kit. But I like my equipment to be overpowered for my space then I can run things 60-80% , this creates less heat for me. The lights you are looking at are great choices but consider these while you are shopping 2 of these with an hlg 320 54a driver. These lights have an improved spectrum and many consider them the best available. The 288s with the added reds are trying to mimic this spectrum. QB96 Elite V2 Engine it's around $300usd