24/7 light

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by J1Lupeta, Sep 9, 2012.

  1. I just planted my seeds... Now i let them 24/7 with light?
  2. the proper term is 24/0. Till the first set of leaves your plant wont need any light but the light keeps them warm and they make the first let of leaves very fast after poping.
  3. If you put them on 18/6 , then the 6 hours of dark the help root development IMO, also save a couple quid electric, but some ppl do go 24/0 , each to there own
  4. for the most part, when growing indoors, we're trying to simulate growing outdoors. outdoors, it gets dark for a while every day.
  5. Thats true - but cannabis doesnt neccessarily need a dark cycle during veg so its fine to go 24/0, unless like you said there are power usage issues. Otherwise, I would veg at 24/0. Its faster if you go 24/0 as well, meaning you can get to flowering sooner.

  6. true, but i like to give them a rest..
  7. Sure thing, it really boils down to preference. You can find claims of 24/0 being better and 18/6 being better. Cannabis probably doesnt care :D
  8. guys, i read i guide from grandpa420 who said i should keep them on the shade until they sprout... i keep them under light for 4 days and they didnt sprout... should i off the lights??
  9. There have been studies shown that 24/0 promotes more root growth. No IMO but fact.

    But you'll be fine either or. Gl.

  10. One thing I do feel is that 24/0 produces a bushier plant with less stretch. I'm doing a stealth pc grow so short and stocky is good for me. :)
  11. I am currently doing 24/0 plant is growing much quicker than my last grow at 18/6.
    I feel a little bad for the plant being it doesn't get a rest.

  12. Theres no proof that plants need any "rest". Thats humans projecting there needs on to the plant :). Sorta like people thinking there pets love them win in fact they do no register emotions when studied or even have a developed region of there brain to process such emotion :)
  13. I always have had the misconception that plants needed the dark to rest up.
    Get rid of toxins.
    JC does say 24 hours encourages better growth in his latest book.
    It is true.

  14. Lots of myth and rumor floating about. The best way to put it into perspective is all over the world this plant is grown and many many grow it in 24/0 light sceds we would of heard long ago that it was a negative to do that.

    Cannabis Grow Bible encourages it as well.

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