20mg Dosage of Adderall to study.

Discussion in 'Pandora's Box' started by Paintball202, Jun 9, 2009.

  1. #1 Paintball202, Jun 9, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 9, 2009
    Hey, Im going to get 20mg of adderall and are planning to cram hard for a chemistry final. They are not XR so what would be the best way to do this so get the most out of them tonight and be ready for a test tomorrow morning at 8:00 AM.

    edit: Right now its 6:30pm where I live.
    Also can you break up IR's?
  2. Rail that shit and don't go to bed. Your gonna crash out hard if your not used to em. I'd personally save a line for the morning bro.
  3. Rail it and hit the books. Waste no more time.
  4. I'd study now wait take it at like 1am or so and pull an all nighter

  5. Come on nig, its all about that Mizzou son!!!
  6. haha muck fizzou forever

  7. much <3 bro.

    still, my heart goes to Mizzou. I remember in fourth grade though, the jayhawks came to West Platte R-2, and like signed a bunch of shirts, and footballs for us.

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