2013 ndaa

Discussion in 'Politics' started by 605skunk, Dec 19, 2012.

  1. On Tuesday night, House and Senate conferees reinserted language into the 2013 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) to allow the government to indefinitely detain anyone in the U.S., including American citizens, upon the mere accusation that the person supports terrorism. No charge. No trial. No explanation.

    The NDAA vote is Thursday. I will be saying NO to this violation of our civil liberties and our Constitution. You can tell Congress how you feel: The United States House of Representatives · House.gov U.S. Senate.
  2. I remember Rand Paul stating that theres nothing to worry about and its a small step in the right direction with this one, but then Ben Swann did his take on it and made me think otherwise. Lets see if I can find those videos.
  3. 2nd ammendment.

    People are about to start dissapearing. Just like in society Russia and nazi Germany.

    GG america
  4. The founding fathers did all that work for nothing

  5. They also stated, 200 years ago, that we could be taxed like cows via congressional authority. All on the basis of writing it on a paper and signing a few names.
  6. Please do.
  7. [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zK15A_VFnIU]Rand Paul Explains His Vote For The 2013 NDAA - YouTube[/ame]

    [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z1wjZA-yKAE]Is Rand Paul Lying About NDAA 2013? - YouTube[/ame]
  8. Damn, that last one is some scary shit. They just erase our basic human rights with the stroke of a pen. If any right can be stripped away legally just like that then you are essentially a slave. No freedom at all, the simply haven't jerked your chains yet so you dont feel the pressure and complain until its too late.
  9. "Full Disclosure" on the 2013 NDAA from Ben Swann. Part 1 of 2.

    [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LWGcyatZt-A]The Truth Behind the 2013 NDAA- Part 1: The Feinstein/Lee Amendment - YouTube[/ame]
  10. The NDAA will only create more fear and loathing. I would disassociate myself from it were i any self respecting representative.

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