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2013 Murdaland Outdoor Grow (Anglefoods Return)

Discussion in 'Outdoor Grow Journals' started by anglefood, Jun 4, 2013.

  1. Heeeellloooooo Grasss Cittyyyyyy !
    it's your boy Anglefood on the comeback to the GC forum world. i must say it's been a couple of years since ive been on this thing. i opened my account back in '09 when i tried my first every grow back in high school. (go to my profile and check out 'Anglefoods first ever grow'). i lost my camera towards the end of the harvest so it wasn't able to finish up the thread. it was an amazing first grow though. i had a great winter with my mini yield off that single plant!  :smoke:
    ANYWAYS, it's summer 2013, just finished sophomore year of college and now that schools done with, i thought i'd resurrect from dormancy and start a little summertime GrassCity project, for ole times sake.. Now that i have a car, and a solid job, im going all-out compared to my first grow. my grow spot is a 10 minute drive away into the MoCo wilderness. i actually invested in grow soil and miracle grow potting mix this time. and i bought two 5 gallon grow pots and a wooden plant sprout cover guard for one of the pots to protect my babies as they're infants.
    i stumbled upon my six seeds in an eighth of some chronic sold to me from a friend and thought to myself, "this is a sign. it's time to bring back the farmer in me." So i spent the last two weeks hauling materials off and making multiple trips from my car to the secluded spot. after a two day torrential downpour, i went to my spot today (June 3rd, 2013) and planted my six seeds; three seeds in each pot. im thinking the crazy humid weather is a perfect environment for the seeds to germinate and sprout in.
    And so begins the journey...


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  2. #2 5150, Jun 4, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 4, 2013
    Welcome back. Only plant one seed per pot is my advice to you. Many reasons for this. 
    yeah i know i broke that golden rule of giving each plant its space for growth but i figured since i only had six seeds to work with, i would do three in each pot and snip out the runts in each. i'm ultimately looking to just have two solid plants (one in each pot) by the time they start to really vegetate and move into flowering.
  4. UPDATE: 6 - 18 - 2013
    Hey homies!
    i went back to my spot ten days after i planted..
    good news: half of my seeds sprouted.
    bad news: the three seeds that sprouted are all in the same pot. 
    the second pot of seeds didnt even sprout.. and its the pot which i didnt invest that metal wire plant guard on. 
    well a 50% success rate is pretty good to me, regardless! i have three plants im working with, so im a happy camper.
    however, i am a bit conflicted since all three plants are in the same pot. im considering transferring the biggest one out to the pot that didnt sprout anything. i think it would be the best for the future growth of all three.

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  5. hey hey amigo! your on your way thought I would like to advise is, since you have only 3 sprouts in the same container...carefully transplant 1 into the other pot and let them grow until they show there sex...if all 3 prove to be ladies great!...if the pot with 2 in it proves to be guy &girl kill... murduh the dude!...if the single plant is a girl then you have  a geat situation as well. you do the math I'm sure you see where im going with this.
    peace and safety to all guerilla's!
  6. UPDATE: 6 - 20 - 2013
    alrighty folks, so i went back up to headquarters today. the trio is looking pretty nice. the two bigger plants are going strong, but the runt plant seemed to just remain stagnant in that pot. here's a snapshot of what everything looked like upon arrival today.
    after contemplating it, i decided to take the runt in the pot and transplant it into my second pot which was just a container full of soil since those other three seeds didnt sprout. i dont think i did a very good job taking care of the roots, i just kinda scooped the little plant out and put her into the lonely pot. i also transported the metal wire guard over to the runt just for a little protection as she grabs a hold of the new ground... i'm not investing too much hope into her, but hopefully mother nature will do its thing and she'll take the transplant nicely..
    as for the big ones, i invested a couple bucks in some fencing and velcro tape to cage them in from outside nature threats. i also improvised some growing assistance by snapping off a nearby twig and loosely velcro taping each plant stem to the twig. this should be adequate support since i took away the square wire guard and used it to protect the runt plant.. the set up is starting to look like a Fort Knox reconstruction, hehehehe.
    check out the cage!
    support beams installed
    well, that's that for a while. we finally have a nice span of sunny weather coming up here in Maryland. i'll let nature do its thing for a bit & check up on the babies once july rolls around. hopefully my first transplant is a success. thanks for viewing, stay tuned! 
  7. UPDATE: 7 - 8 - 2013
    I took a trip over to headquarters the day before the Fourth of July to check up on the kids.
    All of the following pics are from my visit on July 3rd. 
    the transplant runt project is kind of a success. it seems like the plant has rooted into its new pot, its just really yellowed. maybe from stress of the move? idk, but she's well shielded by that wired cage guard so she can sprout up peacefully. hopefully she pulls through.
    they are looking wonderful. i noticed that the one facing the morning sunrise has been growing at a much faster pace.  so i turned the pot around 180 degrees so the other one got more of the morning rays. 
    also, i began manipulating the growth of the two by tying down the main branches so that the ladies can start growing up and away from each other for more breathing room. next time i head out to see them, ill most likely be conducting a "topping operation". i did that on my first grow and it yielded two fat ass main colas.
    I stopped by Lowe's and got myself some organic insecticide to maintain a chemical perimeter around my grow area. it says its perfectly fine to apply directly onto your plants but i dont like the idea of smoking something thats been drenched in bug killer juice as it was growing. so i just heavily douse the grass and tree shrubbery around the pots.
    im crossing my fingers that all this TLC will pay off and Gods of Kingdom plantae will bless me with two females in one pot. 
    i should be back over to check up on everything in a week or so. i'll do some more tying down and top both of the big plants.
    stay tuned & stay classy.
    - Anglefood

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  8. Plants are looking ok but you still have a lot to learn like why MG sucks. Next year get Kellogg's patio plus soil. It's cheap and a great organic soil. Mg us time released mute and can burn marijuana by releasing the wrong amounts of nutrients or lack of. A good organic soil will have the food when the plants need it. The yellowing us either jack of nitrogen or over/ under watering. Also give each plant their own pot. The bigger the pot the bigger the plant can grow. Keep learning and reading about growing and you will improve.
  9. UPDATE: 8 - 12 - 2013
    sorry for the long absence of posts. the past month has been a busy one. ive visited the garden on two separate occasions since my last post in early july, so i have a lot of good and bad news to throw at you....mostly good though  :ey: ..
    so about ten or so days after my July 8th visit, i returned to check on the plants to see how the topping went. and im happy to say that the operation was a success. two beautiful colas spread out on each plant and shot into the sky. 
    as you can see in the last pic, i freed the plants from captivity, i thought it would be a good idea to remove the cage and give the two a bit more room to grow and fan out... i will later realize that this wasnt the greatest idea lol....
    i came back about two weeks later on another routine check up. it was probably my longest span of not visiting the plants. when i finally got to my site (after that annoying vigorous nature hike :angry: ) i got tremendous news....
    ..both plants were shooting out pistils everywhere.... yes thats right, TWO GIRLS ! 
    everyone meet Donna:
    and her little sister Debbie:
    so i was really stoked to hear the great news and that my months of dedication didnt go down the drain for two ugly males. so thats pretty good. but upon further speculation, there was a bit of bad news...
    remember when i took off that plant cage? yeah well somewhere in between those two weeks of me not being there, a critter came by and chomped off two branches on my bigger plant (Donna) and one of the main colas off my smaller one (Debbie). FUCK YOU CROP EATERS! 
    but by some grand coincidence, i had brought a huge sheet of plastic netting along with me in my backpack. (stole it while disc golfing at a local park a few days prior, knew it would come in handy for the garden). so i immediately went to work in order to construct a solid critter barrier, as they are my new farmer-phobia.
    the pictures i attached are the rest of the snapshots i took just before departing on my second visit. you can see the general layout of everything a little better. (notice i still have faith in that little runt plant, he's still tailgating along in growth. not much hope for him but ill keep him along for the ride.)
    i have a day off tomorrow so ill probably run up to the site to see how everythings going and take a few more pictures of all the progress.
    Welp, thats about it for now. Thanks for viewing! see ya soon, m@h N!gGaz.

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