2011bc Showerhead AC Broke..?

Discussion in 'Bongs, Dab Rigs, Bubblers, Water Pipes' started by SaySheNeverBeen, Aug 20, 2011.

  1. Was cleaning it out and I dropped the A/C into my sink(very small fall, under a foot for sure).

    The stem inside broke right here:


    Is there anything I can do? I got it about 2 months ago from AY EL TEE :(
  2. Sorry dosnt look like it
  3. Title saddened my day. Such nice glass coming from the bc work shop ashame to even think of any of it as broken. If you can get it back it the original spot, I'd try to get a non toxic, food safe, glass epoxy and glue that shit back on. That's an expensive ficking a/c haha
  4. Don't think I can glue it, there is no way of really reaching in there + there is a piece of glass from the joint in the chamber now that I can't manage to get out.

    Guess i'll have to buy another A/C now :[ Does anyone know where I can score the same A/C online? A.LT doesn't have it up on the site ATM:(
  5. why would you buy the same one?
  6. why would he not? he obviously liked it.
  7. I had no problem with it, just stupid mistake on my part I guess(I feel like the joint must not of been very strong though, everything else on the A/C is fine aside from the stem after the drop). Had just finished an hour long shoulder/bi/tri workout so arms were very drained, guess it just slipped out of my hand because of that + being wet.
  8. Get a worked one this time and don't drop it
  9. That blows, funny enough I just broke a pill bottle a/c for my WS straight tube last night so I kinda know how you feel. I also just bought an Itza circ a/c and I would be really upset if anything happened to it. Chalk it up to bad luck man, those BC a/c's are pretty sick tho.
  10. #10 enom, Aug 20, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 20, 2011
    fuck that sucks, caves glass might have one online.... i feel ya though, i broke my phx fixed 4-arm a/c yesterday... :(

    but luckily i did want a 90deg a/c so.... now its time. just need to find a cheep deal on BM.
  11. ^
    Yesterday was not the day to be an ashcatcher.
  12. I think I might have a solution to your problem. :smoke:
  13. #13 chronickatcher, Aug 20, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 15, 2016
    I journeyed about forty miles into wine country to get this eight arm a/c yesterday stopped at a club and swooped this wax for thirty too.

    And if everything goes according to plan, I'll be trading a dd bowl an fifty bucks for this mighty chalice showerhead a/c

    So it was a good ash catcher day for me yesterday, maybe I stole your guys luck haha

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