#2 while tripping??!!

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by jsrnash12, Feb 12, 2008.

  1. Well im going to make this story as short as a possibly can because it still makes me cringe when i think about it. Myself and 4 other people had taken acid and shrooms together, then smoked for an hour or so. That night was probably one f the highest nights i have ever had, this i know because i was BARELY ale to keep any grip of reality. Well 3 hours into the trip the kid who was 2 years younger than me, and kind of the outsider in the group started becoming completely unresponsive. We have all tripped many times, but this was his first or second time so we did not know he couldn't handle it. There wasn't much we could do because we ere all tripping very hard to the point we barely knew what was going on. One of us smelled something and accused someone of farting, which ended up in a big debate/argument.

    Next my friend turned the lights on and (the one who i was talking about who couldn't handle it, well call him Tim) was standing in the middle of the room with hit running down his leg. He had gone in three places around the room, apparently thinking it was the bathroom. From then on i was the only one sober enough to clean it up because my friends parents were sleeping upstairs. after a few hours of cleaning ( took that long cus it was only 4 hours into the trip) it was clean as i could get it.

    Next "Tim" goes into the bathroom throws up twice probably because of the mushrooms, then takes the platter of cat litter and throws it everywhere. My one friends at this point just takes him to the park because he was in no condition to stay at the house. ( he didnt even respond to any type of communication we tried having with him) After another hour or so of cleaning i told everyone i was leaving and that this sucked. So still somewhat tripping i walked home for 45 minutes in the cold.

    Ps: And to add to the story, this took place on my one friends birthday. Us tripping was i guess considered the "party".

    Lesson to be learned: Only trip with good friends, or people who know what they are doing.
  2. dude i feel for you. never had somone shit tho!
  3. i thought this story was gonna be about you shitting on acid and it being a scary experience. i was expecting something like "i was taking a dump while trippin and i thought i was birthing a little brown midget from my ass."
    this is just disgusting though, sorry you had to clean that shit up. (no pun intended)
  4. I don't think I could clean up somebody else's shit..I just don't have the stomach for that kinda stuff.
  5. that would have been a good night if you guys had planned stuff to do, instead of just standing around shitting all over the place.

  6. hahahaha :D

  7. that mustve been so fucking crazy.....think about being that kid!?!?!?!?! ive tripped really hard before and ive been with people who were tripping so hard it was like they were 3 years old.......ive enver been anything close to that imagin what his world mustve looked and sounded like....
  8. Wow, shitted around the room and threw cat litter everywhere. I don't care how much I'm tripping, I'd never do that!
  9. dude im sorry. that had to suck some bigg ballz yo
  10. I'm really sorry about that dude, but the story is so fucking hilarious. i can just imagine someone running around throwing cat litter all over after taking a huge dump. Seriously though, it was a solid move to be the man and clean it up. Karma will reward you somehow.
  11. I don't know why you'd want to mix acid and shrooms, but it sounded like a pretty shitty night.

  12. pun intended
  13. Because if your not this kid and know what your doing its a damn good time. Up till that happened it was one of the best trips id ever had.
  14. i've kinda had that same stuff happen to me.. i was at my friends house and we were each gettin a hit of acid (i had tripped many times, first for him). well we both meet my bro and i give him a 20 bill, he's trippin hard and is feelin generous and gives me a good 4 hits and gives 3 to my friend (he didnt know it was his first time).

    well the first 1 1/2 hours of the trip was great, we were playing halo 2 and watching the movie Blazzing Saddles. then one moment, he went into the bathroom and staired at his eye pupil dilation and would run to the bathroom to check his eyes then come back in the room and ask me what time it is. he ended up doin this every 15 seconds for about 10 minutes.. i didn't care at first cuz i was trippin hard then i ended up having to make him stay in the room cuz his parents were asleep in another room in the house. we ended up just sittin there bored cuz i had to keep him from freakin out (really killed my trip..). then we both ate a couple bowls of cereal 3 hours later and went to sleep.

    biggest waste of $20.. i guess i shoulda told my bro to just give my friend 1 hit, or maybe i should trip with good friends who have tripped before.
  15. listen bro that sucks, but its good that someone manned up and was able to clean that stuff up.
  16. Oh my god this is one of the best threads I've read for a while I laughed so hard at almost every post. Thank you for giving me a good laugh.
  17. daamn dude...I guess some ppl can't handle their trips....
  18. Well man, if it wasnt MY house, I wouldnt be cleaning up any other humans shit. ANd then if it WAS my house, whoever shat on my floor is payin BIGTIME.
  19. lmfao...."who farted?! ..." you guys musta been super fucked up to not notice some dude droppin ass all around you.

    haha kinda reminds me of rain man
  20. :laughing:Hahahahahahha some real funny shit. I woyulda been like :bolt:

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