2 short rider nirvana in paper towel since yesterday.

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by kingo123, Feb 25, 2016.

  1. For shits and gigz!!!!!!

    Put 2 in a wet paper towel yesterday and now Im waiting for them to show their tales.

    I'm going to have an interesting grow once I put these into their 1 and only home. I only had 1 smart pot and a little bit of happy frog left over from a previous grow.

    I have enough happy frog for the 2 empty juice bottles sitting on my kitchen counter and just enough smart pot to line the inside of each 1/2 cut orange juice bottles.

    2 -Nirvana short rider in 2 orange juice bottles lined with smart pot fabric.

    Gonna be fun :)
    I'll update once they show themselves.
  2. Why line the bottles with smart pot fabric?

  3. Yeah that doesn't really make sense.
    Maybe so light doesn't hit the root zone?
  4. To keep the roots in check since I won't be transplanting the auto short rider
  5. #5 kingo123, Feb 26, 2016
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 26, 2016
    They both popped and I put them under their lights.

    I guess I could've just went to the micro grow section for this grow :/
  6. My set up so far.
    Once my tent gets here it'll look much better. ImageUploadedByGrasscity Forum1457671324.735790.jpg ImageUploadedByGrasscity Forum1457671336.502385.jpg ImageUploadedByGrasscity Forum1457671346.913494.jpg
  7. Since I've been using the Mars, it has been ridonkulous how much they have grown. I flushed them both when I put them under the new light and they loved it.

    The short rider auto (nirvana) in the Gatorade bottle is performing as expected! Incase you can't notice, I lined the inside of the Gatorade bottle with smart pot fabric to help with any root issues. It's going to be a fun little project.

    I'll post better solo shots after I'm done smoking. Haha

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