2 Questions 1 Thread

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by Sport43, May 24, 2018.

  1. hello

    So I tried to grow for the first time and it went bad pretty fast, I used a solo cup and my dog ended up killing the plant by knocking it down and doing something to it during the night,I saw that it was pretty beaten up and I probably couldnt save it, so I repeat the solo cup process and after a few weeks my dog knocks it down again and I ended up repoting it, but some of thr leaves where really dry and crispy and I watered it for 3 days and since she didnt really do anything I trimed the infected parts of the leafs,and then saw some improvements, and I though about puting her indoors next to a window until my dog goes there and knocks it down again, I saw that she was pretty ok and the roots seemed intact and where wrapped around in dirt so again I repoted,she is about 1 month and a maybe a week and today she caught a little to much rain, I always keep her outside when its not raining in a place where she gets plenty of solar light. Im using dirt from my garden which has various fruit trees, and sometimes stuff for salad.

    Also on another plant that was 3 days old, that I germinated it and planted it in a large container after 3 days (today) I covered it with a plastic cover because it was raining, since it was a really weak rain I uncovered it for a while so it would be watered by the rain, after I went back to cover it up again so she doesnt get to much rain like the other plant. I noticed that a rock was near it so I took it off and covered it up with dirt, but I think the only colyledon fell off, if so is my plant ruined?

    Thank you for your patience and sorry for my nobishness :)

    I only have pictures from the first plant and the quality is pretty bad

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  2. Difficult to get a good handle of what's going on from these pix. Sometimes it's difficult to get a good shot of the plants but improvements will follow practice.

    A few observations:

    Plant seems to be overwatered judging from the drooping leaves. Drainage and aeration of the root zone is important. If you don't have adequate holes in the solo cup it's imperative that you do so. Since it's styrofoam just take a pencil or pen and poke numerous holes in the bottom and well up the sides of the cup.

    Your soil looks quite compacted. A one to three ratio of perlite or vermiculite will help promote good root aeration and therefore promote more vigorous growth.

    A solo cup offers very little room for growth even if it's full. Why such a minuscule amount of soil? Fill it up! With the plant so barricaded by the sides of the cup you're depriving it of a good flow of fresh air and sun.

    Contain yo dawg or figure out how to protect it! Growing pot is too much of a hassle to allow pets to negate all your hard work.

    The Cotyledon is what furnishes the fledgling plant its nutrients in the early stages. If you loose them prematurely, you'll most likely loose your plant. Not much you can do for that.

    Good luck and don't get dejected. We've all been there. Every path has puddles!

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  3. Execute dog

    Read a grow Book

    get good seeds

    make a plan

    follow plan

    what so hard

    good luck
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  4. Thank you for your answer! I drilled some holes on the solo cup, small ones, and also on the biggest container, And yea she got a little bit wet today, and I was planning on adding the perlite also! So with the second plant should I just throw it out? The one that Cotyledon got ruined?

    Thanks >)
  5. Never say die! Keep loving it until your absolutely sure all hope is gone. Occasionally these things will surprise you.
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  6. My friend told me that today! :) Just in case im going to germinate another one, also do you think that the plant in the pictures is going to be alright? I didnt water it today, and the seedling that today was kinda droopi, I think she got a little to much water also.

    Thanks for your help
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  7. The plant in the pic is most likely recoverable but you definitely need to give it some attention. When soil becomes overly saturated with water it will take several days for it to dry out. If you have another cup, fill with a soil/perlite mix and carefully transplant it in the new cup bringing the soil level up near the rim of the cup. Make sure you put several holes for drainage and aeration of the root zone. The more holes the better, bottom and sides. If you have a small fan, this will help dry the plant out quicker. In a healthy plant, if the leaves droop down, too moist. If the leaves cup upwards it's probably too dry or too hot.

    Overwatering is the most common fault that we all make. We've all tried to love our plants to death! If you continue to grow in soil or soil/perlite mix, learn to judge the need for water by the weight of the container. Compare the feel of the dry container with the weight when it's adequately watered. It's usually not necessary to water on a daily basis especially when the plant is this small. It drinks very little water at this stage. Simply pick up the container and when it begins to feel light, as it did when it was initially dry, then it's time to water again.

    Hang in there. Mistakes are the best way to learn what not to do so it's all good!

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