2 plants lookin sad :(

Discussion in 'Sick Plants and Problems' started by NUGGIES8703, Jun 27, 2007.

  1. My babies are developing on their 4th node as of right now. For some reason when it moves to a different node, the node underneath gets yellow tips. Is this a Ph problem? And in the case of a Ph problem, how much would a cheap tester cost me? Can someone please give me some suggestions?
  2. Pics would help best. You can get a cheap Rapitest brand tester for $20, but beware they are pieces of shit, literally. I had one that broke within a few days and they are unreliable. I wont buy them again, because you get what you pay for. PH testers should not be the corner you cut for cost.
  3. the plant is feeding on its self to promote the new growth

    time to start feeding it I recommend Miracle-Gro® Water Soluble All Purpose Plant Food (they make several fertilizers be sure its this one)
    Fertilizer Analysis: 24-8-16 with micronutrients
    2 level "Teaspoons" per gallon of water, (reduce this by 50% first time application) feed every other watering till flowering

    Budding ferts I recommend Fertilome, Root Stimulator and plant starter....
    the NPK is perfect: 4-10-6
    2 teaspoons per gallon of water every other watering........ use this as your water ...discontinue use 3 weeks prior to harvest...flush last 2 weeks...thats it no water .....
  4. :confused::mad:i had my new plant growing under a normal house light for a while and it got about 6 or 7 inches tall then yesterday i went and bought a flourescent grow light and new soil that was not miracle grow after i set up my whole thing with tin foil all around and the lights set up i transfered the plant and by today my plant was droopy and has completely fallen over so i decided there was no chance of trying to save it so i cut off the part that was plopped over and now all i ahve is on big green stem it is still alive and i still have it under the lights is there nay hope?
  5. death by scissors! start over
  6. ROFL.... growretard indeed.

    Tin Foil = Bad BAD BAD
    House light = BAD BAD BAD

    CFL or Metal Halide for your vegging... maybe LED but i'm not going there ;)

    - nuggie -- Time to use some nutes for that plant.
  7. Get some freaking punctuation man, christ.. I cant even try to read that
  8. sorry about the punctuation thing. im so used to just chatting with friends on the computer and that doesnt require very good writing skills. lol sorry i will watch for when im doing that in the future.

    i know using the house light was dumb. i just thought i would use it until i bought some new ones. when i finally got all the things i needed to conduct a proper growth i shocked the poor plant :((.
  9. thanks ganja... i appreciate it :) they seem to be loving it ^_^

  10. you anint seen nothin yet, another 2 weeks, @ full strength I posted and they will start going nuts

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