2 kinds of Stoners

Discussion in 'General' started by Shake Junt, Nov 10, 2010.

  1. Maybe it's just in Montana, but I feel like there;s two kinds of stoners. The happy chill kind, and the violent kind. For instance,

    I would totally bake with him.

    On the other hand..

    Dre's a beast, but he scares me.

    What I'm trying to say, is that I feel like there are stoners who stone because it makes them feel good, and some cuz it's the "thug" thing to do. Anyone moppin up what I'm spillin?
  2. Dude if you spill it, you mop it up..

    Forreal though, I think there's more that can be said then just chill vs. Violent when it comes to stoners. I know chill people who smoke and violent people who smoke but there's more to it than that. Plus there's definitely middle ground between those two.
  3. "theres two kinds of stoners. those who won't shut up and those who see the universe unfold"

    read that somewhere lol but i see where you're at but that's defiantly not it. they're like that but it has nothing to do with the fact they blaze. if they weren't blazing they'd just be doing some other drug. they are violet because they are violent by nature of through mysteries i doubt they'll ever tell. i've seen a shit-ton of different stoners from the book worm, the jock, skater, musician, lazy, smart, smartass the list goes on. you can't judge a book by it's cover or even the pages but only by the words inside them.
  4. Yeah, I think I'm just in to small of an environment to see all that. There really only is two groups of kids who light up at my school, and I just kinda classified them. I dunno, maybe I'm trippin haha.
  5. well then it's also the fact that those are the kids who let people know they smoke. i bet there are lots of people at your school who you wouldn't in a million years think would blaze and do.
  6. im diggin that quote dude. I agree though, i feel that the blazing aspect doesnt affect how the person truly is. it just magnifies the repercussion.
  7. I'm not saying they're violent because they smoke, they're just violent smokers
  8. I can't stand people who smoke because it's "Thug". They're giving people reasons to hate on stoners

  9. agreed. I am one of those people and I love telling people that I smoke just to see their reaction, because I do not look or act like a stoner, well, most of the times. :smoke:
  10. Who considers smoking weed a thug thing to do?

  11. thugs?
  12. All the Hispanic people who think they are gangster or are actually in a gang at my old highschool. As well as the wiggas

  13. That's what I'm trying to say!
  14. theres infinite kinds of stoners cause every stoner is different in there own unique individual way.:smoke:
  15. Yes, you're unique, just like everyone else.

  16. One of the smartest things I've heard in a while after I thought about it.

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