2 Dramatic Stories...

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by hubba, May 26, 2011.

  1. #1 hubba, May 26, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: May 27, 2011
    So... Story numero uno..

    Today during one of my computer classes at school, I looked up what color blindness was for no apparent reason lmao just decided too. I see the circle ones with a billion dots. I couldn't see them! I asked my classmate next to me if he could see the number and he said it was a 6. I asked the person behind me too and they said 6. I was like "damnn... -_-" in my head. Now i cant be a pilot I guess. Not that i planned on it, but now I have no chance lol.

    Story numero dos..

    After school I took the 93 to the center and was walking across the crosswalk and some car was backing up in to me and kept going. Not knowing really just outta reflexs I banged on the car to give the guy like warning he's about to hit me. the man maybe about 40, beer gut but in a summer outfit? idk picture it. Taller than me got out out of the car and yelled "want me to fuckin run ya over punk?" like in the intimidating way. And i don't know, random ass dude snapping on me cuz he was gunna run me over. so i just yelled "shut the fuck you you almost fuckin ran me over." lol. Some black woman nearby also started to yell at the guy for almost hitting me.

    i don't w/e lol

    btw* im dont speak spanish fluently**:smoke:
  2. Do you wear glasses?
  3. Dramatic? What an exciting life you have guy...
  4. Coool story brah! No really I enjoyed it especially the colour blindness test shit lol!
  5. Did you atleast use protection with said 40 year old man?

  6. Couldn't agree more. No offense but how the FUCK are these dramatic?
  7. Hahahahahhhaaha!! You think glasses fix color blindness?

    You thinking of these glasses or something haha!
  8. Isnt your first story from based off the movie little miss sunshine?
  9. The title was for a more dramatic affect, I couldn't think of anything that sounded more interesting. "2 Stories" I mean come on? lol

    The color blindness thing, back in 8th grade my science teacher had us do our homework and do some trivia thing about eye's and it had you do a color blind test, i couldn't see it, I thought it was just messing around with me. then i kept hearing it about later on in life and decided to look it up. i dont know what type i have or w/e but i know i couldnt see the numbers.

  10. Ishihara Test for Color Blindness
  11. I can see them. Hey OP like what does it even look like? Grey or what? I love colors so much. But like you can see some colors so what do you see on the test. Can you not see green or red!? That must suck! I love both so much. Sorry to rub it in.

  12. With the link above, I can see the one that says 25. But other than that, the others are just dots :\ The bottom right I think i can pull out an 8 but not sure

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