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2 bongs, which is better

Discussion in 'Seasoned Marijuana Users' started by ghostface18, Aug 15, 2007.

  1. Ok, so im just wondering out of these 2 types of bongs which is better, as in whcih gets you high in the least number of hits. The way I make my ghetto(idk if theres different ways im just an amatuer) is take a poland spring bottle, insert tinfoil with holes poked into it into the mouthpiece of the bottle. Fill that with weed so its like a bowl. I then make the release hole a little ways down from that and the mouthpeice for smoking near the bottom of the bottle. The bucket bong im thinking about is right here

    Which one is more effective at getting you high quickest. Also could i use a poland spring bottle for the bottle in the bucket bong, or do i have to use like a two liter.

    I know this is the experienced toker forum and im an amatuer, but i need an experienced smokers opinion.

  2. The Bucket bong will get you higher and is more efficient.

    You don't need a 2 litre bottle, but it is preferrable. bigger the better.
  3. im actually gunna try the bucketbong lol, looks fun
  4. The bucket bong is just a simple gravity bong. They seem to do a very good job!
  5. Doesn't anyone read the rules?

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