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1st time grow, 2 weeks in (socal)

Discussion in 'Outdoor Grow Journals' started by WeedBastard, Mar 24, 2012.

  1. using a half and half mix of a perlite rich- seed starting mix and miracle grow, the younger lady seems to have had a better start. the slightly bigger one was started with some pretty decent soil but it seems to grow alittle less aggressively than the young'n. a good friend and grower gave these seeds to me as a gift, they be super silver haze.

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  2. ill be updating the progress of both these little fuckers every week or sooner.
  3. :D its been a week since i mixed alittle nutes in with the water, so today i re-nute'd the ladies (figured if i call them ladies, theyll make buds)

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  4. Got a good macro pic of Georgia, i planted her on 3/8. the other one (Bill Murray) was planted on 3/18 :ey:

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  5. I transplanted my 2 lovely ladies just now with the help of my brother :yay: and he started a cool lookin tiger striped mystery bagseed for shiggles. lookin good as of now, ill be keepin a close eye on them for signs of stress. if they start looking upset ill tell them they look pretty and they mean everything to me. ladies love that shit

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  6. i see you have banana peels on there :cool:
  7. theres all sorts of magic in banana peels;)

  8. Any bugs giving you problems because of them?
  9. not this far, why? do you think it'll endanger my babies?:eek:
  10. [quote name='"WeedBastard"']not this far, why? do you think it'll endanger my babies?:eek:[/quote]

    Idk, was just thinking that the naner might attract some pests, you should be alright, just be careful
  11. okay well thanks for the heads up, my uncle has a nice garden (no cannabis to my knowledge) and he swears by banana peels. he's big on organic compost and i suppose bananas' fleshy peels just break down cleanly.. thanks for droppin by! :D
  12. from earlier today. and yes. more banana peels.:smoke:

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  13. Its been a few days and I just couldnt resist uploading a few more pictures of my sweet, sweet babies. The second and third leaves are coming in on Georgia nicely. Bill Murray is a week younger but had the advantage of starting in a better mix than Georgia did. Im planning on LSTing one and topping the other when they start the 5th node, experimenting with which method ill continue using next season.:smoke:

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  14. 3 fingered leaves lookin more comfy on Georgia, Bill Murray isnt quite at the same point in leaf development but she's got more stem girth than Georgia. I thought both of these were Super Silver Haze, now im having doubts.:smoking: i dont give even half a fuck if i fill this thread all by my self :D

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  15. its been exactly a month since i germinated Georgia, i potted her two days later. Bill Murray (Zissou) is catchin up with the three fingered leaves.:ey:

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  16. WB they are looking good. Have patience they will treat you right. keepem green
  17. weather has been nice, plants are lookin happy:)

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  18. And the LSTing begins.. the concept of it intrigues me. See how it goes!:smoking:

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  19. Their heads are turned now, looking more comfy with their positions. Im stoked i finally get to start workin these babies around the pot! I've done some research on different types of training and it seems like LST is the happy medium between topping and letting it go naturally. Input would be appreciated:D
  20. Got some rain yesterday but the ladies didnt seem to mind too much.. Looking forward to seeing how these babies do when they fill in more and make it around the pot. Im happy with the progress these plants are making, but ill still be prayin every night that at least one of these is female!:D

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