1st indoor grow help make it a good one please

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by Doctor_Funk, Jul 22, 2004.

  1. came to the apartment tonight to find the locks changed, so i jimmyed the window got in, to notcie everything was gone lights plants EVERYTHING, dont want to explain the who or the what's but just syaing my grow is done... i have no money to buy everything all over again im seriously deeply saddend
  2. Wow. That sucks dude. Well, look at it this way. At least they weren't big plants. Right? Good luck. Hope you don't get in any trouble.
  3. Id be carefull with the mail thing.... buddy of mine ordered some seeds, when he opened it a dye bomb exploded.... Covering him with purple dye.... Pigs were there within minutes....

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