1st Grow. Bag-seed, 12/12 cycle. A story.

Discussion in 'Marijuana Grow Journals' started by woke 'n toke, Oct 2, 2007.

  1. Hey, so I'm a newb to growing and i've been doing research. I'm suuper excited though! One of my friends that I met on here is going to be helping me out, along with a local buddy... plus all of you:) I may need some help as time goes on, so that's one reason I posted this. I also just wanted to give everyone something to look at. But anyways.....

    Here's a pic of a couple seeds. I did the technique with putting them in a cup of water. Then I let them sit in a wet paper towel. Unfortunately I had to make an unexpected trip out of town so one of the seeds grew faster then I would have let it. But it's not an issue. By the way this picture wasn't the most recent, I swear the longer one of the two seeds grew TWICE the size overnight!


    BTW, this is from bag seed.

    1 October 2007
    4:20 p.m.

    ~Seeds planted~

    I used organic soil from a local gardening shop. More details on this tomorrow. EDIT- see post below for detailed information on soil used.
    15 inch ruler used in pics, about a 7 inch soil depth.



    Tomorrow I need to buy a bunch of stuff like a ph tester, lights and so on. Can't wait to see if i've got a sprout tomorrow! I'll of course give updates with pictures of day 2 and of what I buy.

    These pictures in this thread are for entertainment purposes only, and my goal is to portray a fantasy story.
  2. what kinda lights are you planning on getting?
  3. CFL's, but as far as specifically what kind and all the specs on those, i'm not sure yet. Gotta do some research. Any suggestions?
  4. wow, perfect, thanks man! :hello:
  5. 2 October 2007
    1:00 p.m.

    ~Checked for sprouting, watered, checked PH~

    Hey, so I checked for sprouting today, even though it has been less than 24 hours, but nothing yet. Obviously i'm not worried about it.

    Here is a water bottle I found. I'm using it just to moisten the top soil and the plant when it sprouts. I'll water it as well, but use the finger method and only water a little bit when the soil doesn't stick to my finger.


    Also, here's the soil/ potting mix I used.


    What it contains:


    Here is what I'm using for the light timing. I'm also going to get a power surge to plug all the lights into.


    Here is my PH level tester. My PH level was 7, and I also tested my water which was 6.6.

  6. When I get back from class, i'll make the pictures smaller haha.

    Edit- done.
  7. I plan on adding nutrients obviously, but I heard that only after like 4 weeks? Remember i'm doing 12/12 cycle. Should I just mix in some like tomatoe soil mix/ 12-12-12 or completely transplant it into the soil with nutrients. Or should I just add nutrients myself in another form?
  8. you wont need to squirt the topsoil for a while, when they are this early on they take a VERY VERY small amount of water so dont start the squirtin till they have the first leaves and keep the watering very light. I dont know if that humic acid is going to be good, I dont really know what it is but when it says acid I would assume it will change the PH in some way to the more acidic side but I could be wrong. Just in case I would check the PH often and keep PH up handy :)
  9. allright, well i watered the soil lightly, cuz it was dry and i heard it was good to be a bit moist, but i wont water it again until leaves pop up and stuff. And no, it's not acidic, earlier I posted the the PH level was right at 7.
  10. awesome then your set to go, I'm really not one to tell you what to do with your plants so if you believe they need watering then water them, but just remember they dont need a TON of water, they have very small roots and are very small and can only hold so much H20 my comment was just my method :)
  11. one is starting to sprout, pics tomorrow.
  12. what did you end up choosing for your light setup?
  13. 3 October 2007
    11:00 p.m.

    ~Bought lights, applied lighting, made box, will turn lights off tomorrow at 11 a.m.~

    The Lights- Using CFL's. So far (I was short on money) I have two soft white's- aka 2600k and 40 watts each. I also have one daylight aka 6,500k and 23 watts. Right now I just have one of each kind on the plant that has sprouted. I plan on having one of each kind on both plants, and as they get larger I will add more and more lights as necessary. Mostly the 2600k's/ soft white ones. I read that the daylight ones arn't as necessary to have a bunch of, just to balance the spectrum out for flowering.

    I know, I know, I still need to get a fan. I plan on cutting a hole for a small fan on the side, then on the opposite side make an exit hole with a filter. This box may be a bit on the small side, so I may have to upgrade eventually. It was easy to make though.





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