18 days..

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by pheelgood, Nov 18, 2011.

  1. If i last this long, i dont even know if ill pass.

    so im a senior in highschool, still living with my parents, and the past week or two has really been bad. I smoke weed daily, it helps me out with a lot of stuff my parents just dont understand. well, long story short, ive been caught before by my parents but on thursday the 12th of nov, my mom found my backpack full of all my shit. an eighth, bubbler,zig zags, lighters,etc. This was the last staw for them so my dad told me he is going to drug test me december 1st, if i dont pass i lose my car for a month. (he pays half the car payments so yes, he can do this) well saturday was the last day ive smoked and i plan on staying clean till the 1st. what are my chances of passing? i know youre probably thinking damn another will i pass thread? but im really just looking for tips on my situation. im 6'0 145lbs, im very athletic and active and i drink a lot of water. i play baseball plus many other outdoor sports and i work out 3 times a week.

    I dont want to use fake piss or anything i just want to straight up piss in the cup they give me, i just dont want to take any chances of getting caught with fake piss by them or something. i was a daily smoker before i was caught so that could be a problem. i really just looking for advice on passing this at home test. any tips or techniques would be much appreciated. thanks a ton blades.
  2. You got it dude. If you're active like you say, and drink a decent amount of water you should be good. Just try to sweat more than you usually do.
  3. drink over 100 ozs of water each day and you'll pass.. Home drug tests are not that accurate. But why not take the down time off the herb to educate them?
  4. trust me, ive tried everything. my mom has her reasons to be anti which i can understand (if you knew her situation) and my dad supports medical marijuana even though hes straight edge as hell. its just the legal thing that gets them, you know?
  5. Well if your trippin don't on the day .of the test don't worry no fake pass needed, just witty mind. Because those tests test for I think 150mml of thc if you don't provide. 150mml of liquid how will you pass. Just loda in the cup for color, then scoop some water out from the toilet bowl of what you've already pissed in. And ppl say o the tip is the most concentrates...yea it is concentrated buy THE END OF YOUR LODA IS THE MOST CONCENTRATED amount. So ya just watch out. Loda in cup loda on toilet scoop some toilet water up and your good to go. I passed a drug test huh off my ass in the doctors office. It is possible. Good luck

  6. if ur in cali like ur location says just get a med card. shouldnt be a prob then since you're 18...
  7. Don't do that..100ozs is fucking nuts. You should be totally okay in 18 days especially because you are atheletic and play sports. Don't sweat it too much, just the thc.

    I also heard somewhere that drinking loads of water doesn't help that much at all, unless maybe you drink it before you test.

    Good luck brother, there's a real good chance that you'll pass.
  8. #8 InaHaze, Nov 18, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 18, 2011
    18 days at 6'0 145 is plenty of time. if you like to sweat and get your workout on. get it in with your new found time under sobriety.

    Stored in fat so just eat a lot and burn a lot of cals so you dont lose more weight since your already pretty skinny. drinking plenty of fluids should be the norm so just drink a little more than plenty. Some supplements might be helpful.

    My dad gave me this ultimatum of stop smoking marijuana or get kicked out with a bag of clothes and for 3 weeks I was also teeter tottering between aw fuck it im blazing and no im gonna just do this stint of no good flowers and make then happy and off my back. 3 weeks later and like a couple well more than a couple blaze sessions later he didn't/never has attempted to Drug Test me.

    such a bizzare society we live in......we probably look just as stupid as the chimps do when we look at youtube vids of them pissing in their own mouths. Like if we didnt become accustomed to this ridiculous analyzing of our urine deposits to consider us applicable for different opportunities that would benefit us.

    There are people who get paid to work 5 days a week to work a lab that deals with nothing but piss specimens. This shit is so real its unreal.
  9. Also one thing I think has a lot of reason the body hold thc is stress. So just relax bro try ur hardest to drink water and sweat all u can do and drink a lot of cranberry juice every day helps cleanse ur body. either ur failed or pass don't sweat it.. throw water in there also there not lab tested ur dads probky cheap and gunna buy the cheap one with the " strip" so just duilate ur Piss or just throw water in there. Goodluck or do I did fuk the system fuk ur parents and live on the street schools or fools!!!jk
  10. [quote name='"pheelgood"']If i last this long, i dont even know if ill pass.

    so im a senior in highschool, still living with my parents, and the past week or two has really been bad. I smoke weed daily, it helps me out with a lot of stuff my parents just dont understand. well, long story short, ive been caught before by my parents but on thursday the 12th of nov, my mom found my backpack full of all my shit. an eighth, bubbler,zig zags, lighters,etc. This was the last staw for them so my dad told me he is going to drug test me december 1st, if i dont pass i lose my car for a month. (he pays half the car payments so yes, he can do this) well saturday was the last day ive smoked and i plan on staying clean till the 1st. what are my chances of passing? i know youre probably thinking damn another will i pass thread? but im really just looking for tips on my situation. im 6'0 145lbs, im very athletic and active and i drink a lot of water. i play baseball plus many other outdoor sports and i work out 3 times a week.

    I dont want to use fake piss or anything i just want to straight up piss in the cup they give me, i just dont want to take any chances of getting caught with fake piss by them or something. i was a daily smoker before i was caught so that could be a problem. i really just looking for advice on passing this at home test. any tips or techniques would be much appreciated. thanks a ton blades.[/quote]

    Common man really ?.... there doing a home test on u that shoulda let u know everything u needed to know common man just add some fucking bleach and you will be good those test are bullshit
  11. dude, i've been drug tested by the state of pennsylvania multiple times after only smoking a week or two before my multiple tests and pass. stay active bro and keep drinking water. if i can beat the government you can beat the at home test.

    dude, i can gladly say you are bugging for no reason. just settle down, stay active and you WILL pass with flying colors! good luck man, although you do not need it!

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