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13 days to detox

Discussion in 'Medical Marijuana Usage and Applications' started by Catgirl112, Aug 23, 2017.

  1. Hi there,
    I was wondering if anybody would be able to help me.. I have to get clean in 13 days. I have been a daily smoker for a couple years never smoking more than a gram a day. I am 5'2 and weight 100 pounds..i havent really smoked this past week and have 13 more days till my drug test. Is there any chance I will pass? Or any tips and tricks on how to detox faster?
  2. Everyone is different but I believe it took me several weeks to piss clean. There are detox drinks you can get that work very quickly but the taste is horrible. Just throwing it out there for you. Good luck.
  3. There is a tea by Yogi Tea called Detox. I would start by drinking this 2-3x per day with three tea bags in each cup. If you don't think you are going to be able to do this consistently, don't waste your money :) Also, look into getting Niacin (make sure it is the flush-free formula or else you will be miserable!).
    Cannabis is stored in fat cells so the fact that you only weigh 100 lbs alone means your body will detox quickly. You can expedite this by getting some cardio in every single day. There is definitely a chance you will pass!
    If this is for a job or something not government-issued, think about using fake pee which you can find at a head shop or online. Works like a charm.

    Sent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum
  4. Best way is to go into a sauna and sweat it out... drink 8 oz water and sweat it out then another 8 oz etc... as long as you can do it.
  5. Niacin does nothing but make your urine yellower! :cool:

    Misusing Vitamin To Foil Drug Test May Be Toxic; Plus, It Doesn't Work (news - 2007) Misusing Vitamin To Foil Drug Test May Be Toxic; Plus, It Doesn't Work

    Get some zinc tablets and take them as directed with a meal- more will just make you puke. :sick:

    Elevated urine zinc concentration reduces the detection of methamphetamine, cocaine, THC and opiates in urine by EMIT. (full – 2013) Adults need 8 to 11 mg of zinc daily; over 40 mg/day can cause zinc poisoning.
    Elevated Urine Zinc Concentration Reduces the Detection of Methamphetamine, Cocaine, THC and Opiates in Urine by EMIT | Journal of Analytical Toxicology | Oxford Academic

    Zinc Reduces the Detection of Cocaine, Methamphetamine, and THC by ELISA Urine Testing. (full – 2011)

    Urinate several times before your test. When you take your test, urinate a bit, then take your sample, then finish up. The first and last bit of urine have been exposed to the bladder walls and will contain more THC metabolites.

    Do NOT celebrate with a joint after taking your test! WAIT until the test results are in. You don't want to blow it if the test comes up "inconclusive" and they want to do a retest! :eek2:

    And a new way to create a false negative test just popped up at Oxford. (I have NO idea where to find this stuff :confused_2:)

    Commercial herbal medicines used as African traditional medicines: Ngoma Herbal Tonic Immune Booster interferes with a rapid urine drug screening test. (full - 2017) Elevated Urine Zinc Concentration Reduces the Detection of Methamphetamine, Cocaine, THC and Opiates in Urine by EMIT | Journal of Analytical Toxicology | Oxford Academic

    Hope that helps,


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