12/12 to 10/14 lighting.

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by evilhoodlem, Mar 26, 2009.

  1. Hey Everyone.

    What would happen after 5 weeks of flowering in the normal 12/12 light cycle, you switch the light cycles again to 10/14?

    Would the Buds grow extra big?
    - Buds grow during the night from what i heard.

    Evil :smoke:
  2. Do you mean 10 light or 10 dark?

    You want to have no less than 12 hours uninterruputed dark during flower. You could have more, but then you will be giving less light to power the bud growth you want. It's something of a balancing act, giving enough light for energy but not so much that you disturb the flowering process. I haven't experimented with it but have read of others who have and found the 12/12 to be the best balance.

    I could see changing to longer dark for the last week of flowering, at which point you don't need the plant to make more energy but can use what it has already stored. In theory the extended dark should make the plant think that the end is near and it will fatten up the buds in a last-ditch effort to get pollinated.
  3. Roots benefit most during a dark cycle.


  4. 10 hours of light and 14 hours of dark.

    That is what i was getting getting at. I figured the plant knows it is on its home stretch of life
    (the day only being 10 hours long) and would want to produce bigger buds.

    I figured if some were to try this it should be in the last week or 2 weeks prior to the harvest date. and maybe on top of all that still giving it 48 hours of uninterruputed dark to push the buds even bigger.

    I would love to try this with my plant. But since i only have one plant at this time, i kinda dont want to screw anything up now.

    Thanks Evil.
  5. 10/14? Just guessing here, but I would say your yield would drop 20-30%, while maybe speeding up maturity by a few days

  6. If the other people say it might reduce the yield, you dont need to write out the article. But thanks :)

    Yeah i was thinking a 10/14 hour light schedule might be intense since that only happens in mid winter (dec 21st ) which the plant would have died from frost WAY before that would have happened (real world)

    Thanks every one for your input. :wave:

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