11 day old plants. any advice?

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by magicc, Nov 20, 2011.

  1. i have some plants i started and in the first few days i believe i may have had the lights to far away and they stretched quite a bit . im using 2 19 watt cfls and distilled water (currently awaiting my rain water lol) with some reflective material around them. all of them grew one nice set of leaves and one smaller set. i recently filled the rest of the pots they were in with more soil to support them so they are short and look like fulfilling weed plants now. was that a good or bad idea and do you have any helpful tips?first grow for me:smoke:
  2. It's ok to add more top soil just don't over do it.
  3. thanks for the reply so im not really using topsoil im actually using some dirt i dug up from about three feet down, what are my options to get nutes into this dirt aside from going to the store and buy them
  4. You will need to get your pH under control, rain water is too acidic and distilled water is a bit too basic. The soil is not quality with peat moss and other soil amendments, so there is probably nothing acidic to bring down the pH of the distilled water. Eventually it's going to cause issues, so you should probably get a pH meter or test kit.

    >what are my options to get nutes into this dirt aside from going to the store and buy them

    There are no other options, go buy them. Unless you have organic fertilizers/compost lying around.
  5. thanks bro ill see what i can do
  6. What am i looking for when I buy these nutes ?

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