1. ok so im going to start a soil grow but im confused as to what i need to water the plants with so i have my soil mix all set so what do i do just water themwith regular water or do i need to add anything to the water sorry i tried looking on grow guides and i even have jorge cervantes marajuana horticulture book and he doesnt even tell me anything bout soil mixes watering nothing.
  2. [quote name='"fivestarpacheco"']ok so im going to start a soil grow but im confused as to what i need to water the plants with so i have my soil mix all set so what do i do just water themwith regular water or do i need to add anything to the water sorry i tried looking on grow guides and i even have jorge cervantes marajuana horticulture book and he doesnt even tell me anything bout soil mixes watering nothing.[/quote]

    Dude it is deffently in his book. You need nutrients. An that is a whole nother can of worms. Organic vs synthetic. Soil additives. Teas. So many options.
  3. well i wanted to go organic i was going to use a good soil mix also with subcools super soil would you be able to tell me where in the book? or is there a thread that would help answer my question

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