Whats your opinion on this show, they claim all the stories are 100 percent true but if you've ever watched the show some of the deaths are pretty far fetched. I did see a pretty funny one about these stoners who go to Peru or something to lick this toad and trip balls but it ends up being poisonous, the actors for the stoners were pretty funny lol.
haha yeah i saw that one, the shows pretty funny but some do seem unlreal. but shit people have died in so many different ways who knows. have you seen the one where this dude trips shrooms in the deseart and finds a party of people dressed in animal costumes and there having an orgy. He tries to join in but gets denied, then he see's a REAL animal was a bear or some shit. he tried to bone it and it killed him.fucked up isnt it
yep, I've seen the show, and its alright imo. WikiAnswers - How many people die a day about 250k to 300k people die per day. so i guess that it is very probable that some of the ways to die shown happened.
I enjoy the show, but have you seen the "Weed Wacked" episode?? Whoever wrote the script for that episode is the biggest prohibitionist tool ever... here's a link. [ame=http://www.spike.com/video/weed-wacked/3118114]Weed Wacked | SPIKE[/ame] This episode in particular really disappointed me. I thought the folks at Spike TV were beyond this level of ignorance.
lol this shows pretty funny although some of the stories seem a lil farfetched but ahwell entertaining none the less
I fucking hate that show. It's all so fake. For example, the episode you mentioned it said they were experienced /w psychoactives, and looking across the world for the best high. If they were experienced, why would they be looking for the toad in the wrong part of the world? Why would they lick some random toad without doing a thorough examination of it to determine the species? If they died in the middle of nowhere, how were they found? Also, every time they talk to an "expert" I find it hilarious.