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1 joint a day bad?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by JackJoker, Mar 4, 2013.

  1. ive been cutting down allot recently after i found out a friend of mine got cancer as well as family issues, i was smoking a 1.5grams every day so 4joints a day i was in a fucked up place in my life for around 4-6weeks i was doing this to get away. ive got through that tho and cut down allot i am now down to 1 joint a week so that 1.5grams i would spoke in 1 days i now smoke in 3-4. i wana spot smoking but have allot of trouble sleeping but im not using that as a reason to smoke.

    do you guys think 1 joint a night is bad?
  2. I smoke daily and do Martial Arts just fine, smoking weed won't give you cancer. If you are that scared get a vape
  3. Sigh...

  4. If you feel you should stop... Stop. If you want to continue reduce how much you smoke and purchase yourself a vaperizor. Good Luck on your endeavors.
  5. umm no theres a song called smoke two joints, course one isnt bad :p
  6. I haven't rolled a joint in weeks, my bong and bowl conserve so much
  7. God I will say it for the 100th time, herb is GOOD, it won't damage your body in any aspect nor harm you in any way. Herb is the only natural and safe cancer cure and it is nothing but GOOD for you. Do your researches.
    • Disagree Disagree x 1
  8. It's not a celery stalk per day, but don't worry. One joint a day won't kill you
  9. is not that i worry about the damage to my body is just that i dont want to need to to function ect. ive stopped smoking in the day and mornings now i only smoke 1 at night
  10. I know where you're coming from and I say if you feel that you are at a good emotional place in life 1 joint a day won't harm you emotionally. Weed is non-addictive unless you use it to run away from life and emotional issues.
  11. you sound like a level headed guy whos heart is in the right place. To begin with i would say that even before you werent smoking all that much, granted more than me but i know people who smoke 8ths a day that do just fine. I too find my self smoking about 1 joint per day and i think its great amount, enough to relax but not so much as to where ones live revolves around the next sesh. I would say you are all good OP, smoke your joint and relax:smoking:
  12. you will die .
    • Disagree Disagree x 1
  13. One joint won't cause you any problems. Make a list of things you want to get done each day then have your joint as a reward for finishing everything on the list.

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