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1 gram of dro

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Stallion69, Aug 18, 2008.

  1. Me and my friend got a G of dro, and smoked it all in one session. My first experience with dank. We smoked that on top of half a bottel of vodka. I ended up throwing up:mad:
  2. ew alcohol. dro mmmmmmmmmmmmm
  3. word toke over bottle every day all day
  4. Yeah if you're gonna let that poison enter your body then at least save your bud for another time.

    And now it's my turn Hippie :p
  5. truth in your words sirr that shit is poison and it twas your turn
  6. well hopefully you got real baked before you started drinking that poison and eventually threw up which probaly killed your high.
  7. stop calling it dro people. that doesn't mean shit about the quality of the herb you just smoked, or anything really for that matter. enlighten yourself.
  8. hey man, when you get baked don't drink too much. drink enough so it would normally get you buzzed or else unless you know what to expect it might be too much.
  9. y cant i call hydroponically grown weed dro? It does say something about the quality, because dro is often good, cuz it grows faster than outdoor and usually has less problems that the grower has to deal with than outdoor. Plus dro is grown indoors so the grower(s) can always b near their plants. Most dro is nothing special but some of the best dank is grown hydroponically. Mostly all of the beasters/china bud in Canada is dro
  10. wat teh fuck is up with you peopel and thinking alchy is poison
    i mean i know it technically is, but deing drunk and high is nice, just cuz you guys throw up all the time dont mean shit about the rest of us
  11. #11 theHippie, Aug 18, 2008
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 18, 2008
    word but it does mean shit about how it was grown and i think most of us know that how shit is grown makes a hell of a bug difference in quality. but as said b4 some hydro is just whatever yea but still the fact that it is hydro mean that it was tended to and someone was most likey paying attention to it not for sure but maybe and way to be the first guy to be that guy and call out stupid shit cuz you think your smarter when no one even really cared about wtf kind of weed he had
  12. alcohol + weed = puke all around. for me at least. and for you i guess.
  13. why dont you go find a nice alcohol forum. you could tech they how ta speel
  14. ya, i wouldn't let that poison touch my lips, but thats just me.

    and, yes dro doesn't refer to quality because it isn't a type of marijuana, just a way that it is grown. but in a way it does refer to quality because personally i have grown dro and outdoors and i spent almost three times more time working with my dro plant then my outdoor plants. as a result my dro plant was far better then any of my outdoor plants (they were all the same type), so in a way dro is higher quality.
  15. I drink, not a big drinker.

    Can't toke and drink, I pass out.
  16. #16 randgen, Aug 19, 2008
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 19, 2008
    The thing I dislike about toking while really drunk is that weed makes you think more, while alcohol makes you stop thinking. The result, for me, is beyond retardedness. Like I can't make out what I'm thinking. They do combine into a nice bliss sometimes though.

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