1 GB hit and i was down

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by hollyann, Sep 20, 2007.

  1. Hey guys. I've been a browser of this board forever and I thought I was registered, but I guess not. So I registered today so I could tell you guys about this.

    last night me and my friends usually hang out at our friend katies apartment. thats where we usually smoke everynight and chill and watch adult swim haha. well last night we all were over there and smoked a couple crippy bowls of some pretty good shit in our friend katies bubbler. i was feeling pretty high and then katie wanted to go to bed cause she has a test today so around 11 me and 3 of my friends that are the ones usually at katies, head to two of theirs apartment down the street. we hang out there sometimes but not often. one of the kids made this nice GB out of a big gatorade bottle and i've hit it before but usually with just ok regs and im still pretty high. well last night i got up and walked over to the kitchen and my friend packed a huge bowl of his crippy and set up a hit for me.

    so i take it all in 2 hits and head back over across the living room to the chair i was sitting in and i notice im walking pretty damn slow and my two friends on the couch are just watching me and laughing. so i sit down and get super comfortable and im like suken into their chair. i didnt say a word for like 20 mins and my friends ask if i was ok and then when i started to think if i was ok, my stomach started feeling naustious. i tried to sit up but i couldnt move. then i was touching my face and it felt like even the softest touch, i would push my bones around haha. so i just tell them "yeah im fine. im just the highest i think ive ever been in my life." and they kinda leave me alone for a little. i kept feeling my face cause i knew my bones wernt actually moving but it felt like they were and it felt cool haha. eventually my two friends that lived there had to take my other friend home but i was wayyyy too fucked to leave. i couldnt even walk to the couch next to me. so my friends take him home and i pass out on their couch and then next thing i know they are waking me up cause they are going to bed.

    i had to get up and go home cause i didnt wanna crash on their couch and im in a bit of a rut with my parents right now so i try to come home everynight so they dont get pissed. but holy shit! i have never been that high in my life. it was a totaly different high then usually too. i almost felt like the weed was laced with something else but these guys are my best friends and i know they woulda told me cause they woulda known i would have smoked it anyways haha.

    i got home and had a killer headache. woke up with a killer headache. but i took some advil and its fine now. it was crazy though. just thought i'd share with you guys.
  2. GB's will do that to you. shit taste nasty though especially when the smoke gets all yellow...sick ass hits.
  3. My awsome gb set up has slayed probly 3 of my friends to where they passed out and tripped hard, i myself have gotten so high from it that i couldn't function right for hours it wasnt the normal high it was a retarded duhh high

  4. thats exactly how i was! i was having trouble walking and speaking and i couldnt even see that well. i rested for like an hour and then i HAD to drive home so i made myself go. but i was in the drive threw at steak n shake (haha i was hungry) and i was trying to get out my money but i couldnt even see how much the bills were for cause my vision was kinda blury. it was wierd.
  5. Haha nice... the g-bong I made has put down many hardcore smokers. I love watching someone hit it for the first time :smoke:
  6. haha hollyann ive had blurred vision too but i have no idea what steak and shake is, but gravity bongs are the best when you have really dry weed that got left out on accident, my basis behind this is it burns so fast and hot that it burns everything up in moments versus wet slow burning weed, when its dry you get it all in just a few seconds to load the chamber with mmmm next bag i get im gonna gravity a bowl... ahh cant wait!

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