​Academic year: it develops from Monday to Friday,

Discussion in 'Smoking Accessories Q&A' started by linkolpk, Nov 24, 2015.

  1. Academic year: it
    develops from Monday to Friday, in morning, afternoon and evening. A wide
    variety of modules and rhythms (hour and a half, two hours, etc.) being the 70-410 practice test most
    common the 10-hour workweek.

    Intensive courses
    also on weekdays, but with duration of 4 or 5 hours a day.

    Special courses: are
    special programs for companies, agencies, schools, businesses or groups
    interested in bringing any Esker at their workplaces.

    Summer courses: are
    held during the months of July and September in any of the aforementioned

    Internships: in these
    immersion programs the students spend 24 hours a day surrounded by a Basque
    environment, both in class and outside it, to spend all day speaking in Basque.

    Linguistic profiles
    is preparing for exams that assess the language skills required for the jobs of
    the General Administration (MVI), 4 profiles, or teaching (IRALE), 2 profiles.

    self-learning systems: they offer the opportunity to learn Basque at home.

    Throughout Usual Hernia
    there euskaltegis of different types. In all of them you have the opportunity
    to learn Basque. In addition, each of these euskaltegis offer different
    materials, and are sure to find a course that suits your needs and
    possibilities. Choose the one that best suit you and learn Basque.

    Go to start

    Network euskaltegis

    Euskaltegi HABE


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