Why biker

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by Dank-Hill, May 8, 2024.

  1. Here's a story of what I say Is a pos for his driving skills no harm to me just annoying

    So I was driving down a four lane road two lanes on each sides bikers pulls onto the road in the right lane. I'm in the left lane he then jumps in my lane, starts slowing down to the points its causing me to loose my flow of traffic and all the cars in the right lane are now all passing me because he made me have to slow down like 15 or 20 mph. Mind you the left lane is usually the fast lane, but he is driving like he is in a parade. So I get over into the right lane just to be able to speed up and as soon as I get even With him he finally speeds up and then keeps speeding up trying to match my speed.

    I'm assuming he thought I was going to speed up and then pass but the asshole obviously didn't know I was about to make a right turn at the next intersection coming up. Like your being a dickhead and then speeding up when it doesn't even affect me because I'm just trying to get back to driving a good speed, not trying to even pass you or get back in the left lane you asshole.

    Like wtf mane is wrong with people. Those are the kind of bikers you wish hit a tree stump or a cinder block at 100 mph
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  2. Keep in mind a lot of people are just getting back on their bikes from winter. I don't know where your at but around here everyone's a little rusty after winter. At least you paid attention to him. I've had people look at me in a 2 way stop where cross traffic doesn't stop but the other road does. They stop, look at my cool motorcycle, then decide they're gonna pull out even though they don't have time. I've had this and similar things happen. Most of the time its old ladies so I cut them a break. But I had a guy break checking me on the highway when I wasn't even riding his ass I think he heard my music (bike has speakers) and it upset him because it was ghetto rap so he decided he would try to kill me. I'm a pretty conscious driver so his attempts of going from 60 to 45 to force a accident didn't work. We got to a stop and I see in his mirror he's laughing and looking at me... like dude I'm 23 (at the time) and your attempting to end my life or the very least completely change everything.
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  3. Nah he was definitely being a dickhead. How are you going to get in the left lane slow down for a quarter mile then as soon I try to pass you speed up. If he gets a blow out on the highway I won't have an issue with that
  4. :confused_2: Who knows? There's no shortage of Dickheads on the road. So much so here You just gotta let it slide off you. I can count on at least 1 example everytime I leave the house. He sounds like 1 of those types who needs 2 lanes to make a right hand turn. My 1'st day without weed, I might have shot him. lol JK ;)
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  5. :laughing:
    And you would be doing the world a service. Only thing worse then pos driver is a pos biker cause there nearly impossible to catch.
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  6. Yeah I find the bikers to be immature and not the most mentally stable people so I give em space.

    Last notable issue I was coming in hot on the off ramp. Decelerating from 120 to 60. Biker thought he'd catch up to bit h me out.. Dropping 60 and down shifting in about 100' got a little chappy. His bike could of made the corner but my car wasn't at those speeds.

    All this cause he was but hurt. Didn't think, passed on the shoulder, and almost rear ended me trying to catch-up and follow me through a turn I hadn't shown down for yet.

    He took the ditch and a couple charges.

    Most other notable thing is these bikers that ride the line with their lights in you mirror. I know you're there and I slow down till they get the point.
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  7. The thing about bikers that annoy me is the guys that get a CBR1000 or whatever for their first bike and have no idea how to ride it.
    Eventually had to hang out my window and yell, "First is down!"
    • Funny Funny x 1
  8. there aint enough hours in the day to "teach" the other bad drivers out there, I'm one for sure. If you look for trouble, ya usually find it.
  9. BIKERS??? do all "CAGERS" drive the same? Today you don't know if that "biker" is a Dr, Lawyer, or Banker. They all aint Hells Angels. I'm driving at 120, your driving sucks??? :rolleyes:
  10. Typically you have the "seasoned" that know better, nobodies going to see them and they drive accordingly. than there are the "newbies" that think they're the most visible thing going and get mad because they don't have enough real life experience with testosterone. Either one or the other around my area.

    I was there, young, did the college course on motorcycling got my license. But the fuck would I drive a motorcycle around in 2024.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  11. Because it is extremely enjoyable for some. I wish I could still ride. If you have to ask....
  12. #12 Reo, May 9, 2024
    Last edited: May 9, 2024
    Oh yeah I used to ride my avatar pic. Usual commute and weekend riding I was around 16hrs a week. Little earlier in my youth I'd top around 30hr a week. Reason why I was going for a motorcycle, I could only keep with City traffic for two blocks. Can't really enjoy the bicycle anymore.
  13. I've been riding street bikes for over 40 years and I can tell you from first hand experience. There are far more dangerous vehicle drivers than there are motorcycle drivers. Why ride a bicycle? Because you enjoy the sounds,smells and open views around you. The air rushing past your face. All bikers don't fit into your mold of being assholes. Just as all drivers don't. And we need to change the laws to charge distracted drivers with manslaughter when they kill bikers because they need to drop a quick Facebook selfie. Most of the folks I know that died in motorcycle accidents were caused by "I didn't see them drivers." I've had a few close calls from those folks too.
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  14. A regular 1%er don'tcha know.
  15. A biker or a bicyclist?

    Don’t matter tho, both don’t give a fuck
    • Agree Agree x 1
  16. A few years ago One dude mowed down a bunch of them once going 100 down a country road in his Dulley
    • Funny Funny x 1
  17. Biker bro not a cyclist. Both don't give a fuck but the biker has the ability to be a dickhead and speed off.

    I still hope he gets a blowout
    • Funny Funny x 1
  18. I'm not talking about ppl on bicycles dude
  19. Generalize much? :rolleyes: Your throwing a pretty wide loop there pard.
  20. Lol ya think so?
    • Agree Agree x 1

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