Archaix Anyone?

Discussion in 'The Bookshelf' started by Prophet216, May 8, 2024.

  1. Anyone follow my guy Archaix?
  2. Not familiar
    • Agree Agree x 1
  3. some good reads here, many members would like their 'weird?' content Archaix

    I asked OpenAI for ten methods by which AI could take over and control the world. Then I asked for two examples of each method. What I got was a clear picture of our crazy world today.

    many are free, but then 'name a fair price:???'
  4. Cool stuff but as soon as I saw the nosterdamus stuff (idk if spelled right) took me right out of it. Its all fun and all but when you have facts vs straws it breaks the immersion haha. The ai stuff is fun
    • Agree Agree x 1
  5. #5 Prophet216, May 8, 2024
    Last edited: May 8, 2024
    This guy is nothing but facts and dates. Nostradamus is only mentioned because his sayings actually match all all kinds of chronological markers. All facts. All recorded history. No pseudoscience. Only stuff written in old books, then charted to show you the impossibly that is the chart. Everything evenly spaced and repeating. Calendars spawn after cataclysm events and are just countdowns to the next cataclysm. All calendars overlaid on top of one another match. All calendars end in 2045 or 2046. Interesting stuff
    • Informative Informative x 1
  6. [​IMG]
    Yeah I stubbled across him on YT a few times
  7. Could you provide some of his predictions? Like that are matched to history.
  8. Just because I saw the word AI, it made me think of a story one of my buddies told me. He is a software Engineer who works at a very high level developing AI programs. He said if the American people knew what this upcoming software can do, they'd be rioting in the streets.
  9. I just want some like minds to talk to. If you want to know real history and real dates, and see how it all matches up and all the old stuff is accurate and right I will drop some good Links. Everything after 1902 is a lie. I'm a life long Christian that was Catholic and steped away from that, and reformed my thinking even tho I didn't want to hear the things I herd at first. Then I changed my mind on flat earth even tho I rejected that idea for the longest. Then I stumble across mudflood, and melted buildings, and carbon copy architecture all around the realm in the most remote places,.old maps, missing land, tartary, and I'm on a hunt for info for years. Then I stumble across Archaix and it truly starts to come together finally.

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