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Numbnutts sour d confidential cheese and star 47 grow

Discussion in 'Indoor Grow Journals' started by Numbnutts, Dec 9, 2011.

  1. Sup yallz, I started a new journal for my babies..
    4 sour d
    1 confidential cheese
    3 star47
    Promix in five gals, with extra perlite and EWC
    Nutes used are PURA VIDA grow and bloom, jamaican bat shite and peruvian seabirturd..
    Under two six hundred hps in a five by four an a half room.
    Here they go, nuthin but water for first three weeks. And superthrive also.

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  2. These are them about twelve days from sprout doing very well..

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  3. One thing I constantly second guess myself with is when to start the nutes..these girls are on theyre seventh set of fan leafs then I fimmed em..i plan on fimming and tying down then letting em back up after the lower branches grow some..
    The sourd look sativa , the conf cheese and star47 look both very indica..
    The conf cheese is by far the most vigerous , which scares me cuz those ones usually turn male
  4. I've grown confidential cheese a lot! I'm about to chop a couple in a week. If you pm me your email I'll shoot you pics and vids
  5. Nice ill deffinitly hit you up..hows the smoke? Ive read so much about it but never have been able to find any..thats why I do this, so I I can have some good smoke and not have to deal with dealers ..paying sixty an eight is brutal.
  6. Everything is looking great confidential cheese is larger than all the rest, but the lower branches are wayyyy shorter, kind of like the afghani kush..
    The sour ds have really long lower branches and the star47 are in between the two.
    I go through the same thing every time im at this point..i fimmed them at the sixth or seventh set of fan leafs and that was two days ago. So I am second guessing myself on when to add nutes..i did that last time and now I am battling some sort of defficiency...on one plant..
  7. Sour d plants that sprouted on nov 26th..

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  8. Heres the star47 that sprouted between the 26th and 27th of nov...

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  9. #9 Numbnutts, Dec 10, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 10, 2011
    And here is the confidential cheese, born on november 27th..

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  10. Heres an update one star topped and one sor d..

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  11. Comment if you stop in...when should I nute em...

  12. lol when they don't look like that!
    those are awesome!

  13. Thanks I wicked appreciate that..
  14. Hey man, glad I got here early! Looks like you are up to some fun:hello:

    I see you have a few organic amendments, are you using the organic promix and going 100% org? I saw in another thread when you flushed you pH'ed to 6.2, are you aiming for a hydro range or a soil range?

    I ask because this is my first time playing with organic nutrients (bio canna) and a coco/soil mix so its all foreign to me:eek:


  15. Thanks for stoppin in..i am going all least I thought I was till someone told me promix isnt dude at the hydro swore up and down it was organic..

    My goal is organic
  16. i do want to go all organic..and if the wetting agent is in my promix I guess I can live with it..ive had really good sucess with promix...sry when im baked I fuck up on this droid.. Im wicked baked I hit post before I was done talking..
    Are you gonna do a journal? Im gonna look now
  17. So im collected now and not spazzing on the keys..
    So I have always gone fore a six to seven ph and hoped for the best..but when you look at our method, I think its called fertigation right? Well technicaly it is hydro just without pumps and a res..any idea why people say go with six to seven rather than five to six?
  18. Personally since switching to organic I do not pH what so ever. But, I added 1tbsp dolomite lime per gallon of mix to help buffer. Usually when I feed the pH is 5.1 after all the nutes have been added. So far the plants look healthy, but I am only half way through my first grow, so its too early to tell, really.
  19. Update on the new plants..they have basicaly grown out of their fims in two days..starting ti feel light ..still torn on when to add nutes..they look healthy but should you wait till they dont look healthy?

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  20. I have gone two months without feeding my soil in the past, but that was with 5+ gallons Fox Farm Ocean Forest, which runs pretty hot. I have no experience with your mix, but my advice is to start light(2-300), and slowly increase the ppm on a weekly basis until about 1/8th inch of the leaf tip is burnt.

    When I "get to know" my soil or any other grow medium, I tend to be aggressive and then back down...

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