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Organics & UFOs, MX Style

Discussion in 'Organic Grow Journals' started by MX Grower, Oct 3, 2011.

  1. Hi all :wave:

    I'm MX Grower and I learned how to grow on this site! :)

    This is my new grow journal, but more so, I hope it can be a thread to help out some fellow growers.

    I'm no pro by any means, but I've had good success in starting up and maintaining a perpetual grow fairly rapidly. I don't claim to know a lot, nor that I do everything right. But I'm willing to share everything that I do and know. So if you've seen and liked my grows and you think its a style that might work for you, I'm here to help you do it too! :D

    So what's my style?

    Organic - Wait - don't go! Contrary to what many say, this seemed like the easiest way for me to jump into growing. Now that I've done it a while, I see I was right! It's mostly just a matter of soil ingredients and what you feed them. But us organic growers never have to flush, hardly ever deal with Ph, always have the best tasting weed, um ... there's a lot more! IMO and in many others, this is the ONLY way to grow!

    UFOs - My grow conditions do not allow for a lot of heat. I started with MH400's, but found and tried a $200 cheapy UFO. That was definitely the heat solution for me, and I could still grow dank weed! :DNow I run 9 UFOs with a single MH400 thrown in. I use CFLs here and there like crazy too.

    I'm not an LED zealot. I don't even think LEDs are the best grow lighting, but UFO's just turned out to be great for me. LED growing is different from HID growing, mine is a UFO grow style. I flower most of my plants each plant under a single 90 watt lamp.

    Perpetual - Currently I have 9 spots to flower 9 plants at a time. I try to keep around that many in veg too. I only provide for my family and we consume about an ounce per week. We never run out. :)

    Multi-Strain - I run all different strains, but keep running the best ones over and over until something better comes along. I am on a quest for the best 5 or 10 strains to run all the time. I have a growing mother collection that close to 25 different strains.

    Lazy but somewhat anal - I'm a typical stoner, except maybe more anal in some ways than others. :eek:I don't think you have to be anal like me to grow like me, though. My OCDs are optional. :p

    I'm not the highly intellectual grower that needs to fully understand everything. For me growing has been and still is fun and easy! Well, maybe it wasn't all that easy at first - but I think that's where I can help!

    Willing to spend $$$ - I'm not broke. I get the things I need and I like to keep a supply. I spent some decent money up front, but I can tell you from my anal-bookkeepping that my weed now costs me around $10 an ounce (electricity not included) to produce on an on-going basis - and its a bit better than mids! :rolleyes: :D

    Still learning - And it will never end! If you hang here with me, I'll be totally open to learning from you all as well! ;) :)

    OK. This is all I have for now. I'm a working guy and I need to maintain a balance between here and the real world. So sometimes, I may be out for days at a time.

    I hope to cover some topics in close to the order a new grower would need. So maybe I'll go over the strains I know in my next post. You gotta order seeds first, right? :rolleyes:

    If you'd like some EXCELLENT reading material while you're waiting for me to post again :D, please check out the PDFs attached to the end of this post. If you're new to growing and interested in organics, these articals are like gold!

    First post needs a pic, right? So here's a tray of Nirvana Super Skunk buds from one of my first harvests. :p





    Attached Files:

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  2. Nice work and introduction to your gardening methods!

  3. New thread smell. Taggin along MX.
  4. U r my idol. Plz help me. Check my thread out. Ur bud looks soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo good. I wish I could try some. I currently am having trouble cloning successfully.
  5. MX!

    Long time my friend. At work right now but will definetly look at this more as soon as I get some more time later.

    Hope you and yours are well.

  6. And away we go on another magic green carpet ride. 5th gear pinned, just how we like it, weeeeee:D
  7. Unsubed, (old).... resubed here ;)
  8. I think I'll set my hookah down here, and stay awhile. :D
  9. I'm sittin by the guy with the Hookah!!!:D
  10. What a nice intro! Welcome, and jeese your buds smell nice......MIW
  11. :cool::hello::wave::smoke:
  12. MX has posted some of the most impressive organic bud shots i've ever seen. i'm in this thang.
  13. Loved reading through the first thread. Subbed for the new one.
  14. Holy shit, this place rocks already!!!

  15. Volcano is plugged in...Warmed up and the bowl is loaded...


    Let's do this shit!
  16. jelly..:p

    i got an mflb...but i can only imagine what that volcano does...
  17. Hells yea this thread already has a 5 star rating! Excited for a new thread and the C99 that came on over with it.
  18. Wassup MX!:wave:D:!! Of course I'm along for the ride. Sub'd.

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