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Buzz'z Annual Outdoor Garden Grow

Discussion in 'Outdoor Grow Journals' started by BuzzLightOne, Jun 22, 2011.

  1. Hey all you stoney GC grow journal hoppers! :wave::D

    [​IMG] Outdoor #3...:smoke:

    I am growing some reg strains. All three of each popped, and are growing in the garden.

    Chemdawg X 4SD

    OZ Super Deluxe

    Jack Herer X 4SD

    I bought four fems from Attitude, but only one popped, the Northern Lights. I lost Coletrain, Paki-Ryder, and Crean Caramel. I tried planting them with a small root, and they didn't make it. I'm going back to my longer root 1/2 inch system.

    The other nine should be showing sex here soon. I am hoping for at least one female from each strain.

    The seedz sprouted May 12th. I put them into the same soil from the garden while vegging indoors.

    I planted them into the garden on June 15th (full moon.) to get the roots established. And a bit later than I usually do, due to the weather conditions around here being unstable.

    The garden soil consists of:

    Aged cow and horse manure
    Sphagnum peat moss
    Worm castings
    And naturally composted organic materials (meaning dead roots and stems from vegies)
    and local sandy soil.
    For 2011, I added some more topsoil, a bucket of worm castings, and some Fox Farm Happy Frog to the mix.

    The soil is like the consistancy of flour. It compacts, yet falls apart easily, and drains rapidly. I will be using the Fox Farm trio, which consists of Grow Big, Tiger Bloom, and Big Bloom. I might use some Beasty Blooms and Cha-ching this year as well.

    Here are a few pics of them indoors. No outdoor pics yet, but are coming soon. :smoke:

    Attached Files:

  2. Welp my chairs pulled up.. :wave:

    That jack herer cross is looking awesome already.. jealous of all these tight little plants. mine are slow to start :(.

    Good luck buzz!:smoke:

  3. Thanks Blunt for coming around. :wave::D I hope to have a good season. :smoke:
  4. "Swirling tendrils of smoke swell my lungs and I feel pure ecstasy as I gently blow out the soothing sweet smoke. The haunting scent of marijuana fills the air and encircles my body with it's relaxing warm embrace... I love the enticing sight of a forest of gorgeous blossoms just waiting for me to come and gather them up like babies in my arms, just waiting to be harvested to fulfill my dreams of never ending satisfaction. I longingly gaze at the long colas swaying in the breeze only for me... "

    It'd sure be nice if some of my friends showed up. ;) :poke:
  5. We watch from the shadows, Buzz. ;)
    Can we get some updates up in here?:wave:
  6. Hey Buzzybaby...right on.

    Got me a prime seat this time lol.

  7. looking very nice buzz!! looking forward to this! you got the right setup as always... did your plants show sex yet? i hope they are all girls for ya! kill it like always buzz:wave::smoke:
  8. All right Buzz! Nice selection :smoke:
  9. Heya Buzzie baby!!! Been waiting it seems like forever for your new journal but I'm here! Great start minus the stillbirths.
  10. #10 BuzzLightOne, Jun 24, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 24, 2011

    :wave: Thanks for showing up Miasm :smoke: Of course! Tomorrow pics of the garden :D

    :hello::wave: Freak, I'm so happy you made it! I found a big shiny green bug in the garden. I didn't get a pic, I squished him big time... :p

    :wave: :smoke: Thanks 70's! Thanks for stopping in to have a look, and for the kind wordz :D

    I need to check them closely tomorrow when I water. I can't wait to torture the malez :ey::laughing:

    High Critter :wave::metal: I'm happy with the strains, just wish I had that Coletrain... :(

    Hey Roo, it's great to see ya here dude! :wave::D I'd been missing the gung-ho, but found it again last week. I think I'm a tad excited for this one. :smoke:

    Big thanks go out to the blades that shared their seed stock with me! You rock! :metal:
  11. Hi buzz :wave:

    Am I too late?

    Any seats left?

    I have to grow vicariously through others these days, so here I am...;)

  12. Hey IF :wave::D Nice to have you here! :) Not too late at all, the plantz have a lot of growing to do..

    I rented seating for a thousand, all front row too, so take your pic :smoke:

    Growing vicariously through otherz is totally acceptable... we all do it! :gc_rocks:

  13. Cool...I'll try not to spam your journal too badly...:p
  14. 'bout time you jumped in :) But I started mid June in 97 and was surprised how respectable a yield I garnered. Should be good buzz, I know you can get em big fast. Those strains sounds tasty especially the Jack cross. Good Luck Sistah may the pot gods be kind
  15. You can try it IF, but if you can't help yourself, It's OK

    :wave: Hey OP, I'm glad you stopped in! :D Thanks for the good wordz of encouragement ;)

    The inclement weather held me back from planting earlier. The plantz were only about 5" tall when they went out. As soon as I put them out they took off! They have lotz of new growth. They have grown to about 10" now. . No issues with the blazing heat at all. Hearty little groovers they are.... :smoke:

    I couldn't not have a journal this year. This makes three in a row.
    I'm pretty happy with all these strains, and hope to do them justice.

    I'll be speaking to the pot gods on your behalf as well :)
  16. Buzzy! I have been waiting for you to set up a journal! :D
    I'm pulling up a chair for this one, 2011 is going to be Gooooooood.:smoke:

  17. :D:wave: Sergei, I was hoping you'd make it over here. :hello:Thanks for stoppin' in bro'!

    This is my first attempt at growing some budz that aren't extreme indica's. I want the sativa in them to shine.

    I just need good weather until October. I'll worry about that later I'm sure. But for now I'm getting stoked for this grow :metal:
  18. Nice strains Buzz.:smoke: I wasn't around for your last grow, but saw the results so this one should be promising.:D In it till the end!
  19. Very excited to see these crosses can do and i've seen your past girls and my my are they impressive!!! ;) Best of luck this season Buzz.

  20. High Euphoric :wave: Happy to have you aboard :D I've seen you around the city and I'm glad you stopped in :hello:

    It's alwayz nice to finally meet up with a GC blade :smoke:

    I just checked again for sex, nothing showing yet...

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