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**No time for a Journal? Update here.. Any skill level welcome**

Discussion in 'Indoor Grow Journals' started by samson32, Jan 12, 2011.

  1. :wave:
    Hey guys Samson here with a not new just reapplied idea for another way for us to come together here on GC..

    I think my good friend Deacon had a great idea when he came up with his thread...

    What ya smokin' tonight????

    It is a thread for stoner's to come together and answer that everlasting question on everyone's mind.. :confused:

    So.. Just what are ya smokin' man? Be sure to definitely check it out if you haven't already..

    With that being said this is pretty much that same concept..

    The Intro

    I for one love to give updates on my girl's.. When I had a journal I updated as much as I could, but I feel like it ended in an utter disaster when I looked up one day and saw the rating.. Shocking.. At that moment I realized I didn't have enough plants to really make an impact to really awe people.. An impact such as MX's Perpetual Grow which I'm currently trying to catch up in..

    Well today it hit me.. Indoor GC community unite!! This is a thread for anyone of any skill level to post updates of your girls.. At any stage.. It doesn't matter..

    Here is where the I'm too busy grower can take a sec to post their beauties without the hassle of keeping their own thread from dying down..

    Now is when someone else who just has a few seedlings can caste in there pics of their little guys coming to life while also sharing in the progress of others..

    This thread is for everyone who wants to share their girls progress while also taking a step back to admire the beautiful work of their friends here at GC.. :smoke:

    Let's all come together and keep this thread pumping with updates from all those that wish they could keep a journal going without all the work.. My sig includes a good way to keep track of all your personal updates.. Feel free to steal the idea for yourself or to create a new way all of your own..

    Come on GC! Let us that have taken the next step in pot smoking unite.. Let's get this thread a rockin'!

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  2. Just finished watching the new Ray William Johnson on youtube.. Hilarious stuff.. If you've never seen his stuff you really need to.. Going to have to keep this one short and sweet tonight.. I'm watching the town so I'd like to pay attention a bit to it haha.. Anyway here are the girls..

    Alice (barney's farm lsd) germinated 10/16

    Bonnie (g13 blueberry gum)germinated 10/22

    Cleopatra (barney's farm red dragon) germinated 10/29

    Once I get the hps this weekend I'm putting them into flower.. I'll put up the expected dates later. I had my spreadsheet set for last weekend, but the store was closed when I called..

    I also have 4 little ones going..

    Danielle (barney's farm lsd) cloned 1/3

    She's been doing great so I moved her down in the grow room.. She still has her humidity dome, but she no longer needs to be in the cabinet.. The others are not looking so great, but as long as one comes out I'll be ok.. Just need one for that grow off.. Here are the others..

    Faith (blueberry gum clone), Elizabeth (lsd clone), Grace (red dragon clone)

    Well guys gotta run.. Hope everyone has a goodnight..
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  3. yeah I have no time to properly maintain a journal so im feeling this idea. Gonna go shoot up my flower room now :D

    your farm is looking nice over there. I got some barneys lsd going as well. been smoking two different phenos for a while now. good smoke and great lemony pledgey spicey funk smell.

    need to do a quick read on shooting under hps though, always have trouble with that.
  4. LSD seems to be pretty popular. I have a fluffy but chunky one going right now. Should be good. Never heard of Blueberry gum before. whats the story on that?

    here are some shots of my garden. 2kw HPS and 600w MH



    Some 9 week Super Lemon Haze.






    8 Week Herijuana



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  5. Thanks for tuning in and yea I feel you.. I never have time to actually maintain a journal myself, but I figure if enough people start posting maybe we can get something good going.. That way one person doesn't need to carry the journal..

    Looking forward to seeing your update.. I've heard she is pretty good smoke so I'm very excited to get her into flower.. Is the bud you've been smoking more head high or body? I've heard she's a really good head high depending on when you harvest while red dragon is more body, but I'm excited to find out for myself..

    Later man..:smoke:

    First off incredible grow.. Your girls look extremely happy to have you and those bud shots are sweet.. Mmm I am very envious right now..:hello: Great job..

    I'll agree that lsd has pretty much blown up since I've started growing.. I was given a tip to start off with that strain when I first started looking into seeds and I am glad I did.. Having my second grow as a multi-grow is also getting me prepared for the perpetual grow I'll have going once I get that hps this weekend..

    The blueberry gum was a new strain back in September or October for g13.. The one I'm growing out is when it was first intro'd.. They gave her away as a freebie that seemed easy to grow and so far she has been.. Definitely go light on the nutes at first to avoid burn.. It is a cross between blueberry and bubblegum and the expected harvest is in 50 days..

    I'll give a smoke report whenever she gets to harvest.. That should be the first of March if I put them in flower on Sunday..

    Thanks for joining in and congrats on the awesome grow..
  6. #6 samson32, Jan 13, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 14, 2011

    Disaster struck last night as I was lst'ing Cleo.. Off with her head was the headline as I almost perfectly topped her.. Just a tad too late on that one.. More news at 11.. If not earlier..

    Today's update video..

    [ame=]YouTube - Drugs and Rainbows[/ame]

    Take a smoke and stay tuned for further exclusives to come..

    Edit: You gotta comment after watching that.. Let's get the buzz going and get us some more growers.. If you have nothing more to say than..

    "that dude is hilarious" I wanna hear it..

    Samson back for tonight's Grow update..

    As I said earlier last night as I was tightening one of the ropes holding down the girl I accidentally broke the top clear off.. Now I know topping is a good thing, but I'm a little past that point I'd say haha.. Doesn't matter she seems to be doing fine now.. Hasn't slowed down much.. She has about 18 good bud sites so far..

    Cleopatra (red dragon)

    The other three girls are looking great and I think in one or two more days I'll
    probably be taking off the humidity dome for Danielle..

    Danielle (lsd clone)

    Bonnie has 9 good bud sites coming up and is starting to come back from being root-bound.. She has been rather disappointing considering how much bigger the other two are than she is, but hopefully she will recover nicely..

    Bonnie (blueberry gum)

    Alice is doing great.. Already she has over 32 seen bud sites.. My only problem with her is she is getting too many branches haha.. I have to lst her everyday just to uncover all the small bud sites right on top of her..

    Alice (lsd)

    And instead of posting pics of the other clones because those do not seem to be on the right path at the moment.. Here is just one more pic of all the girls..


    Tonight I'm teaching my boyfriend the finer arts of germinating.. Just a couple bagseed.. His first actual shot at it will be with the vortex when it arrives.. Germing two of those as soon as the seeds come in unless anyone thinks a different one would be better.. The only other choices for his first are jilly bean, jack the ripper, 3rd dimension, and querkle..

    Take it easy guys.. Smoke some dank for me..:smoke:
  7. #7 caesar5000, Jan 14, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 14, 2011
    ill play here you go this is my White Russian day 58 about 1/3 of the bud fit into this photo

    WR day 58 022.JPG
    • Like Like x 3
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  8. Very nice pic Caesar.. That bud looks incredible! I bet you can't wait to get her down.. How much more time are you estimating before chop?
  9. i think i will take her to 65 days to get a good flush she is hardy you cant even tell she has been flushed for 10 days
  10. Hey Samson! :) Thanks for the shout out, bro!

    It's only 1 page so far, and I still have to go back and catch up! I will tomorrow, cuz I'm nodding off right now (but smoking a bowl anyway). Just wanted to say high and get my sub in.

    I went through it quickly though. Cool concept. Nice contributors so far too. And your own plants are looking quite well!

    Peace, bro! Check ya later. :wave:
  11. samson32 i mean no offense . But are you a he or a she your avatar has me confused
  12. No definitely can't tell she has been flushed for 10 days.. She is looking great.. And I'm a she.. haha.. I tried to get an avatar that went with that, but then I couldn't come up with a catchy line except I am woman so I went with & then I smoke two more haha.. No offense taken at all.. I know I've probably said some things that make people wonder haha..

    Haha at least you don't have 25 more pages.. I'm almost there.. I've been behind trying to catch up as well, but I am hoping to be caught up with your grow by sunday..

    Thank you for the kind comments for the thread as well as my grow.. For the thread I'm hoping it will catch on and everyone will join in.. For the grow hopefully tomorrow I'll get that hps in to put them into flower..

    I'll have to get a few more clones because the three in the clone cabinet are not looking so hot.. The lsd has been the easiest to root so far.. Well at least one of them haha..:eek:

    Thanks for popping in.. I'll drop by soon and finish playing catch up.. Later man
  13. You're a girl?! And I've been bro-ing you all along?! :eek: Sorry. I guess I imaginated that was your GF in the avitar, and now come to find out it's actually you!! (Please don't ruin it by saying it's not! :D j/k).
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  14. No worries haha.. For the first 6 or 7 months I just went along with being a guy because I was paranoid so I'm completely used to being called bro.. I don't take offense to it, but I'm sure it draws questions when I post..

    I mean my last update said I was teaching the boyfriend to germinate.. That would be awkward for some I'd say considering only so many people here know I'm not a dude..:smoke:

    Oh and that is definitely me.. Except for the carrying a mexican druglord's baby and currently getting arrested for it.. That was just to make the show more exciting.. haha..
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  15. feww yea the teaching the boyfriend and MX bro-ing yea i was just :confused: we don't have many lady's growers in are community or maybe you lady's are just better at staying low
  16. #16 killachronic, Jan 14, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 14, 2011
    Not many people have been looking at my journal and im mid flowering. Maybe because its a small grow but ill post some pics in here. 2 seeds out of a bag of purple.

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  17. Ha, ha well it is kinda hard to tell people apart on here.. Plus guys way out number the girls.. :smoke: I just call everyone man and figure I'll be right at least most of the time haha..

    Nice girls killa.. Looks dank for mid flower.. I'll definitely be checking out your grow and be sure to update here as you find time as well.. :hello:

  18. True dat I can't wait for next season, I just kinda wish she'd gone to Europe with the rest of them. Still it should be interesting. So what are the chances you think that Silas ends up in the Netherlands growing again? That was sweet when they had the grow house, would love to see the show go back to that original idea! (gotta admit that was what really drove me to go get my first Jorge Cervantes book to learn the process before trying it out), lol!:hello:

    I know! I can't wait for the next season either.. It is kinda getting far fetched so I hope they bring back a little of the beginning at least.. I wish she had gone to Europe as well, but when I say Silas stay behind I knew something had to be happening.. There was no way she'd just give him back the baby..

    I as well would love them to go back to the grow house.. And it would be incredible if silas started growing again for the show.. They have a ton of money now so I wonder how they will go about doing all this haha..

    I will admit as well the idea of me growing came from this show as well.. Made me realize it wasn't as hard as people made it out to be and now I kinda have a green thumb haha.. Just got the hps last night.. Hoping to get the grow completely set up tonight..

  20. #20 samson32, Jan 16, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 17, 2011
    Big, big news coming up soon..

    Lean back, take a toke.. Then tomorrow night I'll show you guys what I'm working with :smoke:

    I was going to update tonight, but after redoing the entire grow I'm too tired to worry about that right now.. All three girls are in total darkness.. Tomorrow I'm switching those 3 over to flower.. I moved the clone to the cloning cabinet until I can turn back on the veg room..

    Here is today's video before the update..


    Hope you guys have a great night! Lets see some updates going..:wave:

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