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Popeye's journal

Discussion in 'Indoor Grow Journals' started by Popeye, Nov 22, 2010.

  1. #1 Popeye, Nov 22, 2010
    Last edited: Sep 9, 2020
    Come join the fun

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  2. Feel free to chime in
  3. gotta get my night-vision goggles for the first one:poke:.....but that frikkin' bud looks tasty indeed...some light bro...later deacon
  4. #4 Popeye, Nov 22, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 22, 2010

    Ya i gotta mess around in photo mng to repost pics. They wont let me post twice so I change the color. Thanks for posten deac. Your actually the first if you dont count me:wave:
  5. boards are slow around the holidays...then they start rippin' between now and alot of blades just harvested and are out enjoyin' the would rather have fewer good posts on your thread than a bunch of crap and bickerin' you cant wait ta harvest:D
  6. Oh you have no idea. I cut a couple branches from a bag weed girl, and 1 wr branch as an experiment. Plus I was really hoping to smoke my own on the holiday. Its a little early but who cares. Its my shit right?
  7. got that right first open the tent at lights on....and them biatches would back away into the tent:D..but ya get some in jars....its easier ta let em mature;)
  8. ya, I gotta whole dry and cure I'm gonna due, but you know how hard it is to keep hands newlyweds...I'd sleep in there if I didnt htink the wife would enjoy my absence.
  9. wow, how long is the main cola on that tall one:eek: very nice man, im stayin tuned in till the smoke report:cool:

  10. Its about 14". Thats a supposed to be a wr, so either seeds got mixed up or it took on sativa dominant traits. Its 6 feet tall for gods sake. I got a normal looking rhino so i'll be able to see if they smoke different. Thanks for stopping by. I'll be posting throught harvest and cure and smoke. Pluss I have 2 bubbleicious in flower on week 2, and I got 2 60 day wonders and a pinnaple express about a week old.
  11. experimental bud. bagseed. Think shes ready

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  12. Looks like it. Need the 100x to be 100% sure. It all depends on how you like it.
  13. #13 Popeye, Nov 22, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 22, 2010
    Good morning gc dwellers. couple pics of a current, future and distant future harvest. Still green on harvest time but I'm learning. Any help is welcome.

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  14. Lookin nice buddy that cola is huge good luck ill watch for the final weight!
  15. plants look great bro....lotta good smoke there..nothin' like that feelin' of finishin' up a sucessful grow..enjoy:hello:
  16. Thanks man, she is a nice colla but seems real fluffy. We will see
  17. Always nice to here your opinion deacon:smoke:
  18. My wr tree in the back wont plump up. The others look and feel good but the big one seems all air. It looks pretty but I'm a little pissed. Any suggestions in plumping buds up in last couple weeks of flower???
  19. 4 main factors in bud density

    1] genetics

    2] temprature..heat extraction is crucial

    3] nutes..molassas...tiger bloom....big bloom....bloom boosters

    4] final cure

    alot of plants really fill in the buds during the last 3 weeks...give it bloom nutes and sit back..all ya can do:smoke:and it for you as long as the quality is on tighter buds next run...most important is good quality smoke
  20. sounds about right from my experience. temp is very important. i have consistent 80-81 as my highs, but im trying to get it down to 76. It is hard without getting new equipment...and making sure you let it finish up. make sure you have minimum 60x microscope if you dont. it is important to understand the ripening process of those trichomes. Sometimes in the last few days those calyxes fatten right up...rambling

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