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G45 flowering room

Discussion in 'Indoor Grow Journals' started by guerilla45, Sep 10, 2010.

  1. I built this room in early spring and threw 5 plants in it and grew them out while geting the room tuned in, after temp/humidity, ambient air flow and scent was under controll they finished fine. while they were flowering I preped a mix of genetics for a fat grow. in this grow I started with 11 plants and will be adding plants as they get the chop.

    most of these are I week in and I am going to update the over all canopy shot every friday. and post individual plants here and there. in this first group of pics you'll se my G45s in 3rd week of flower, the two lights are 600w hps and cfl supplimental lighting will be added as they grow. some of the other strains are:

    pure power plant (both phenos)
    lemon skunk
    sharks breath

    and my own:
    Northern Lights



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  2. :wave::hello:Count me along for the ride. I have a Rocklock femmed seed that I'll be germinating in January due to a family vacation to Europe in Dec. Cant wait to see you grow her. Tell me more about Rocklock. I know its 80% 20% indica and a Magnus Warlock crossed w/ medical G-13 male, so it should be a good one. Fuck ya dude:smoking:
  3. room stats.

    size- 8x10x8
    2-600w hps digital
    1- 625cfm ehhaust fan with scrubber
    ambient air inflow- 6inch inline fan blowing into the room at 4 foot off the floor (picks air up from floor level outside the room.
    all plants are 3 gallon nursery pot with soil


    2 parts happy frog, 1 part fox farm mycorrizae, 1/2 part worm castings
    and a handfull in each pot of dried marine kelp, composted manure, and cheap seed starter type soil. these Handfulls are mixed in the top 1/3 of the pot


    5 very fat table spoons marine kelp, 3 tablespoons bat guano, beastie budz ,cha-ching
    dyna-bloom mixed 1/2 strenth.
    plants are fed every 3-4 waterings. the dyna-bloom is mixed with 5 gallons of RO water at half strenth or less them the granulated kelp is added, then the guano and bud builders. its mixed well and aired up for a few hours and then used up or disposed of.
    this stuff can be hot on smaller plants. Feeding stops at 1 week before harvest but the dyna- bloom is cut 2 weeks or more before chop.
  4. Damn G! Rocking the house man! Way cool and some fine looking genetic specimens!
    • Informative Informative x 1
  5. thanks bro, nice to see you in here, sure is quiet compaired to my old one, its like being out in the country here....LOL
  6. They look really sweet man. Am I seeing something like a sog? they look so perfectly balanced to me... but I just smoked some of the qwiso I made to today so I'm seeing a bit cross eyed LOL... I'll be swinging back through to keep an eye on this. I like the dual 600's. That was a good call!
  7. yeah they are like 20 inches tall and then flowered. so they are even right now but it'll get crazy pretty quick. lots of variety in there and its just gettin rollin. the tiny grow was done to get things going and check the vitals of the room. now we see just what we can pull off in there.
  8. 3 gal pots setting in a five gallon bucket with scrog setup at 36x36.
    pure power plant




  9. holes are drilled through the pvc so that the screen can be adjusted with ties. also when the ties holdin the screen up are removed I can pull the plant and screen out in a nice tight little package and harvest easily. also this scrog moves from room to room as the plant grows.
  10. HiYa G. I think it'a an interesting concept. Can't wait to see what those beauts do. Seven of 'em right? Especially can't wait to see what the G45 will do for ya!!!
  11. just two of the buckets with PPP right now but more soon. those buckets will have Grapefruit fems in them. 3 rooms are involved in this op and a third flower room is being built this week. the "twin 600" room has 11 plants which I couldn't get pics of today cuz my cam took a shit. That room has a lemon skunk, a rocklock , 2 PPPs, 3 G45s, 2 Himmys, a sweet tooth, and my NL.
  12. well my cam is still fucked but here is a pic or two of the twin 600 room. where the G45s, PPP,himmys,rocklock, lemon skunk,sweet tooth, and god know what is comin in there next........all the close ups are G45s, I'll do more to show the rest of the strains next time guys...........





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  13. Hey G45 :wave::hello: Now I see why you said that was your last grow. Guerilla grow that is. I didn't know you had all this going on! Damn those plants are fantastical! :D
  14. A bit of OZ in there will be awesome! :hello:
  15. yeah, I ain't gettin' any younger and the work load is tough for me with the PMR. I think I'll have a little somethin going on but VERY small scale for sure and very special too. 2 or 3 would be about it. Glad you like the setup BUZZ thanx.

    Oh and it will I got my timing figured out now and some OZ will be cracked within the week. I have been growinw out lots of beans in all three rooms lookin for special moms and that is finally ready too slow way down as I have located some real beautys, now the search for awesome crosses. I am wonderin how the OZ stuff will lioke this side of the rainbow, but I got a sneaky suspiscion they may just THRIVE!!!!!!!! I am gonna shoot for the sky with em REGGIE no bullshitin' I want a QP per indoors, I have been training a lot of the gals for 15-20 tall branches before the flip to 12/12 and most of em are 2 foot tal when they start to flower.
  16. Oh and it will I got my timing figured out now and some OZ will be cracked within the week. I have been growinw out lots of beans in all three rooms lookin for special moms and that is finally ready too slow way down as I have located some real beautys, now the search for awesome crosses. I am wonderin how the OZ stuff will lioke this side of the rainbow, but I got a sneaky suspiscion they may just THRIVE!!!!!!!! I am gonna shoot for the sky with em REGGIE no bullshitin' I want a QP per indoors, I have been training a lot of the gals for 15-20 tall branches before the flip to 12/12 and most of em are 2 foot tal when they start to flower.[/QUOTE]

    Sounds like you have got it sorted out just nicely..........

    You will not be disappointed with the genetics from OZ in any way!! :D
  17. the room is kickin out some production now and I am happy as hell to have it all tuned up and hands free. I got a lot of catchin up to do on the updates but I got the cam workin half ass good so here we go with the overall room shots or what I can fit in the pics anyway.



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  18. Alright G45 looking great :D! I'm jealous of all you guys with whole rooms to grow in:cool:. Using that space well man. +rep

  19. SWEEEEEEET!!! I like whatcha got going on inside G-man! Kewl! Is that some of the G45?

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