Hard knock life

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by NickM420, Aug 27, 2010.

  1. :p Title doesn't explain this thread, just some recent stuff in my life and a question or two.

    Well, I got caught by my parents. I was pretty embarrassed that I let this happen. I said I wasn't gonna smoke in my house, and I didn't plan on it. But I just wasn't thinking clearly one night. And chose to do it way too early, like at 7:00. It's quite weird. I can smoke the dankest dank I can find and the smell is nowhere to be found, but when I smoke schwag it stanks up everything. (or so I thought) so I was smoking some schwag, and trying to make a gravity bong. in my bathroom. And it was a clusterfuck. Everything was getting messy. I had taken all the precautions, shower on, fan on, towel under the door.

    Then I heard a knock on my door from my mom and she said "Let's talk". Instantly I knew I was fucked. No doubt, no hiding it. I wasn't even high yet. So I told my mom I wasn't dressed and she told me she could wait. I was dressed, so I hid everything I could, then walked out. She had the look on her face, ect. We talked and she was trying to be nice, so I gave her an inch, and she fuckin took a mile. She instantly went from nice, to interrogative. Eventually, I gave her everything. Weed, and pieces, ect. I don't even have a lighter left. I love my mom, and understand where she comes from. But on the subject of weed, she is a close minded asshole. And she really angers me. I can't even talk to her. She says all my friends look like druggies, and wants me to hang out with a better crowd. Blah blah. She believes propaganda, blah blah.

    She says she can't trust me whatsoever, and said she is going to search my room whenever she pleases. That's okay. Her house.

    Anyways, I got a job finally. Small locally owned restaurant, and I just do normal chores. Sweep, clean, take out trash, dishes. I am currently trying to save some money, while paying my parents, since I'm an adult and I have a job they want me to pay rent, (it's nothing compared to an apartment price). Which I'm fine with. And I'm meeting some new people.

    But my main problem is I'm just kinda lost in life. I don't really have any hobbies anymore. Almost everything I have liked has slowly just become less entertaining. Plus, I don't have real friends, which I'm fine with. I like being independent and more of a loner than a people person. I have no lust for any girls anymore. I still find them attractive, but don't want a relationship. Which is fine, relationships aren't for everyone. Another thing, I don't know what to spend money on. I just am saving money. I kinda wanna move out, but what would I do? Sit around at my apartment and rot away. It's better living at home with food and bills paid for and only having a minimal fee. I really appreciate my parent for being so caring. And I'm not trying to freeload, they don't mind me living here. If they did, I would leave. I just don't have hobbies, dreams, wants, anything. I feel like life is just kinda bleh right now. Nothing really to do. Just a routine lifestyle. I've started working out more. Helps me relax and sleep, since I'm usually up till 3am or later if I don't have meds in me.

    My main question is what do I do with my life? I don't have hobbies. I don't have many wants whatsoever. If I was just granted a million dollars or so, I wouldn't even know what to buy. What do I do with my life? I know this is a complicated question for anyone but me to find the answer to, but I need help on how to find the answer.

    Wow that was a long shitstorm of text. If you read that, you're amazing. If you want to help me with my main issue read the 2 paragraphs above this. Thanks GC. :confused:
  2. Man i was just on the side of the house smoking a J and mom came around the corner, walked inside after she saw me smoking. The next day i get a dick sheriff at my door acting like he knows everything and tells me that if I'm ever caught high I'll be cited and be a "criminal with no job". Everyone around me needs to educate themselves before coming to the dinner table with shit on their plates. I cannot wait till this term of school is over with, I'll be putting everyone in my life into the past and moving a long because i truly don't need this drama and bullshit in my life.

  3. Word. However, parents who call the cops on their kid, are usually trying to help their kid, they just don't always know the best way to. All that they see is the propaganda, and that their son is getting into "dangerous behaviors" so parents usually go ultra anti drug. When my mom ratted me out to my Probation officer a while ago, I was mad at first, but after talking, I realized that she was genuinely concerned for me and wanted the best, but didn't know the best course of action. Alot of parents are misinformed, and don't always choose the best ways to handle situations, but they try.

    wish you the best man!
  4. #4 camjenk, Aug 27, 2010
    Last edited: Aug 27, 2010
    I know exactly how how you feel. I too have been caught many a time, and I know the feeling of disappointment. My parents (i bet yours are to) are conservatives and they stick to the old ideals very much like yours. They even threatened to send me to rehab for weed back when I was 16. I dedicated a lot of my time to weed, just as you did, and when I was barred from using anymore I had no idea what to do. First take a step back and realize that weed was your hobby, as it is many peoples, and it consumed most of your time. So your hobbies slipped away, and you find yourself consuming all your time with buying/selling/using/getting paraphernalia/finding places to do it/talking about it, AND IT GOES ON AND ON. As you did that you became "acquaintances" with some of the people who spend time doing what you do. Thats what you must call them... "acquaintances"... because honestly they really dont care about you and you know that. I know you can find cool friends who are down to earth and smoke weed(or not)... try your job thats where i found a lot of mine. Now... you cant do weed... cant hang with these old friends... work a probably boring job... what to do? Well, first think inspiration, if anything weed destroys it. The last thing I want to do when Im ripped as fuck is get up off the couch and go make friends. Doing that for a long time could intern make you a less social person (with friends and love affairs). You need to find it in yourself, filter all the lazy THC out of your blood by working out(its a suggestion but it really does make you feel good and look all sexxy:p). You need confidence... self motivation... and a NEEED to succeed. IT NEEDS TO BE A PRIORITY... if you think about it priorities always happen dont they? When you woke up in the morning and said HMMM im gonna go score dank and get blazed today... dont you end up doing it? BECAUSE IT IS TRULY A PRIORITY.


    Go back, back, back. Before you ever smoked... what did you love to do?
    Start there.

    Good luck mate... and by the way... I still smoke weed to this day... I just had to learn that its true... it will suck you in make you lazy and make you just lose the will to do a lot of things. This effect though is only psychological and can be avoided... it just takes brain power.

    Good Luck :)
  5. #5 RolledFat, Aug 27, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 27, 2010
    My mom bought me a pack of newport 100's today and a game cigar.I lovers my mother!

    You fuckin pussy,if my mom ever tried to take my weed,and she wouldnt,i sure as hell wouldnt let her have it.But you GAVE it to her?You have got to be like 12 years old...

    I cant hate,i toked up when i was 12...toke on the LOW LOW little buddy!:smoking:

    Youre the only one who can figure out what to do with your life,so dont listen to a word anyone says.You have to decide on your own,or you will never get anywhere.
  6. Dude you are lucky... if I would have said no to my dad when he took my shit... he would have (HINT im about 5'11 140lbs my dad is 6'5 250+ pounds.

    A. Kicked me out
    B. Taken my car keys
    C. Punched me in the face (which he did when I back talked him once)
    D. All 3
  7. ya i know how you feel dude. im in my last year of HS, have decent enough grades to get into college but i really dont care. ive been doin a lot of drugs lately, mostly pot but other stuff too, and i dunno i just know what you mean when you say "lost". i also have kinda lost that teenage interest in chicks that i had when i was in my younger teen years. i actually do have some pretty cool friends, so i guess i can be thankful for that. but ya man, just do what makes you happy. and if you dont feel like drugs are doin that for you, then i guess you gotta do what you gotta do. i still like smoking pot, and feel that without it my life would be even more fucked. but i know you say your more of a "loner" type, and i consider myself that too, but regardless its really good to have at least a few friends that you can blaze with and talk with about stuff like this and just have a good time.

  8. Way to be an ass. I was asking for advice, I could have done without your comment. I'm 19 years old. My mom said if I didn't hand over my weed, she would call the police. IF the police were coming I would have to flush it and deal with the police. I have no car, and at the time, didn't have money for an apartment, which means it was either, give it up or suffer a worse consequence. I wasn't being a "fuckin pussy" I was being logical.
  9. thats really not cool and shit like this doesnt belong on the city. i really am baffled how somebody could blaze a lot and still be this disrespectful to people. just shows you what our society has come to that people smokin the herb nowadays are the pseudo tough guy type of guys that used to be completely anti pot back in the 60s.
  10. And I'm not trying to pour out a sob story or anything. I'm not sad, I'm pretty good, and I feel like I have quite a bit of self confidence, and I am myself, and am happy with being myself. I just don't know where to go, or what to do with my life.
  11. You don't need to defend yourself dude... that guy is in another world.
  12. Sorry for being an asshole but really man,grow a pair of balls.You can let your mommy boss you around like that.She might have spit you out of her cooter cat but that doesnt mean she can take your smoke
  13. lol this dudes mom probably beat his ass daily for 18 years

  14. God with 34 posts and using words like "cooter cat" you sure are making yourself a real tough guy reputation around the city.

    I have balls. However, I was in a situation where my mom had lost all trust in me, and in my opinion 2 nugs of schwag isn't worth messing up our relationship more.
  15. Anyways, I really appreciate all the useful advice. GC is always there to put me in a good mood. I decided, to think of it this way. If a doctor told me I was going to die in one hour, and I was reflecting on my life, what would I have wished I could have done. I'm just going to ponder that thought for a few days, and hopefully come up with a dream to chase or something along those lines. :p :hello:
  16. #16 aznno0odles, Aug 27, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 27, 2010

    hahaha my mom called the cops on me before too in highschool. she got the idea from my aunt who called the cops on my older cousin. the cop was a cool old guy and a stupid dike lady ( no offense to gays, i love lesbians)i did a little marijuana SPEECH**with them told them im not hurting anyone and then the dike lady is like "your a little smart aleck"

    OH SHIT THE OP-dude just keep the smoking on the downlow after your not in trouble, and just stay with your parents trust me. at least till you have goals to work towards. or else you might just blow your money and end up back at your parents, but with no moneys.but with your problem not knowing what makes your happy any more. just do the little things that make your happy like getting a ice cream cone. also work out cuz after your work out or get in shape u cant help but feel great. best of luck

  17. As long as he lives under her roof, then yeah, I'm pretty sure that means she can take his bud.
  18. op, have you thought about going to college? even community college? thats a great place to start improving your life. you'll get better jobs and it will occupy your time.

    and i can feel you on loosing some interest in hobbies with weed. but you just have to find things you like to do stoned! long boarding, swimming, biking (highly recommend this combined with music. orgasm while high, so much win), frisbee golf, video games, sex, movies, concerts, and oh so much more! also, you just need to find new firends who smoke and like to do stuff. my highschool friends are the smoke and sit around and then smoke more kind of stoners, but the people i have met in college like to do stuff after smoking! when i met these people it completely invigorated my life.

    and my parents are the same way, they are nice about everything else, but mention cannabis and knives come out. i fought hard for 3 months to show them the light, my father even admited "you win, your a better debater than me, i cant argue with you" but they refuse to change their mind. some people cannot change their mind. i still hold hope that if california legalizes, i might be able to change there mind atleast a little.

    good luck op, and remember, you make your life fun, you have to initiate the fun.
  19. I would suggest finding some hobbies man. Life is tough sometimes you just gotta keep working towards your goals(you said you were feeling lost- do you have any goals to work towards?) If not you need to do some serious soul searching and find out what makes you happy, and run with it, bro.
  20. If you are happy living with your parents your whole life, smoking weed on the downlow, and not doing anything ambitious, then thats your choice. But try picturing yourself when you're 30 or 40 and think---do you want to have accomplished something in your life, or do you want to be living with your old ass parents and still having nothing to do but bus tables and scrounge together what money you can for some more weed?

    Weed and other drugs should be a hobby, not the only thing you want in your life. They are great for entertainment sometimes, but if you're high all the time then you are just living in a dream world and admitting that the rigors of life are too much for you to handle. If weed is the only thing that makes you happy, then it seems that you are psychologically addicted to it and need a good (month+) break from it to sort out your life. Once you stop smoking you'll probably be depressed because the one thing that made you happy is gone. Now is when you find what else can make you happy. Life is hard work, and no happiness will come easy. You have to work towards something, accomplish something, and then you will find some real happiness, not 2-hour spurts of happiness out of a ziploc bag.

    I'd say start with a solid T break and just search for what makes you happy. Socializing with people can be good even just to see what other people are doing with their lives, and perhaps get some inspiration for yourself.

    Sorry if I seem to be up on a high horse, i'm just giving some advice based on what I've been going through the last couple years. I'm going into senior year in college and JUST figured out that I can't sit around smoking weed and expect life's joys to come to me. It all takes work, but the point is that afterwards it will be 110% worth it.

    Hope you can find what you're looking for

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