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MX's Perpetual Grow - Weekly Harvests!!!

Discussion in 'Indoor Grow Journals' started by MX Grower, May 8, 2010.

  1. #1 MX Grower, May 8, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: May 8, 2010
    OK. I admit, the "Weekly Harvests!" thing was intended as a draw. However, I fully intend to live up to that within a few months time! Maybe sooner. All I have to do is add a plant to the flowering room every week, right?

    I have 2 strains I intend on maintaining at this point - Super Skunk from Nirvana and Super Silver Haze from Amterdamseeds. They both completed flowering in almost exactly 8 weeks.

    So, as soon as I'm adding a plant per week and the room has 8 plants in it, I'll have achieved the right to this thread's title. Right? Sounds right to me.

    I think the challenge will be in vegging as large as possible and keeping up the weekly supply. I think I'd like to veg for 12 weeks, which means that I would need to have 12 plants in veg all the time. So then if I want to increase the final veg size, all I have to do is have more than 12 vegging at a time.

    I will also have some side projects that will have to fit in in addition to this perpetual grow. I will also maintain those updates in this thread since I want to get to where I only have a single journal to maintain for all my grows.

    So, where do I stand at this point on my perpetual grow? Here's what I have now. Note, I'll post some pictures soon - by tomorrow.

    I have three upcoming harvests:
    In 3 1/2 weeks, White Widow.
    In 6 weeks, Super Silver Haze.
    In 7 weeks, Super Skunk.

    I have a big enough SSH in veg that I'll be able to put in next week, which means that harvest will be in 9 weeks.

    I have 2 Super Skunks going in veg right now. I think I'll be able to put one in 2 weeks after that, and then another 2 weeks after that. So to be harvested in 11 weeks and 13 weeks.

    I have 3 SSHs in 1 gallon pots that I think I can have ready in another 2 weeks after that last SS. At that point, I should be able to start adding a plant per week.

    So if I made my assumptions correctly and did the math right, and all goes smoothly, I will be harvesting weekly 14 weeks from now. Although it will still be sometime after that before I achieve the full 12 weeks of veg.

    For the 12 weeks of vegging that I'm after, I will start the clock on the day I transplant from the starter pots to the 1 gallon pot. I currently have 5 more SSHs and 4 more SSs in starter pots. These will go to 1 gallon pots in the next 1 to 2 weeks.

    The 9-hole Rump-style clone bucket is currently loaded with 8 SSHs and 1 SS. Those are rotating as well. I have starter-potted 4 of them in the last two days, and so I also started 4 more clones.

    I will be heavy on SSHs for a while because my SS clone mother is just a little 6" plant at the moment. It will be a month or so before she's able to start giving up cuttings.

    I mentioned some side projects. I currently have a bagseed window grow going. It has it's own thread, and I'll probably just finish it up like that. Here's a link. It's pretty cool - indoor plant, no grow equiptment.

    I am also growing 2 Full Moon from Nirvana. Thai 100% Sativa. 13 to 14 weeks of flowering! They are still in their one gallon pots, but I will transplant them to 5 gallon pots tomorrow. These will be covered in this journal and I'll have pics in my next post. But like I said, these will be aside from the 8-week perpetual grow.

    The WW and SS plants that will be harvested soon already have their own journal (LED/LST in my sig), which I should really finish up. So I guess I'll cover those two plants in both threads, to some degree anyway.

    I guess I should probably include at least a couple of pics in this first post. So here's the two clone mothers today. You probably won't see much more of them throughout this thread. Super Skunk on the left, SSH on the right:

    SSH Clone Mother 01.jpg

    Like I said, it will be a while before the SS will be able to give up cuttings.

    OK. That's it for now. It's really late!

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  2. OK. Let's go. Note that the White Widow and the first Super Skunk below were initially presented in my LED/LST thread. I'm not sure now whether or not I'll continue that thread.

    On to the perpetual grow. I guess I'll start with closest to completion.

    6/1 harvest:

    This is a White Widow. I'm not continuing this strain in my grow because the final product is very close to that of the Super Skunk, except that the Super Skunk is better.

    WW3 051009 02.jpg

    6/21 harvest:

    This SSH has been in 12/12 since 4/23.

    SH3 051009 02.jpg

    6/29 harvest:

    This Super Skunk is next in line.

    SS3 051009 02.jpg

    Those are the only ones currently flowering. Here are the future generations.

    7/10 harvest:

    This SSH will be next. Current plan is to move her into 12/12 next weekend (5/15). If so, she should complete around 7/10.

    SH4 051009 01.jpg

    7/24 and 8/7 harvests:

    According to plan, these two Super Skunks will be added on 5/29 and on 6/12.

    SS4 SS5 051009 01.jpg

    Weekly harvests after 8/21!

    The first of these next three SSH plants will go in on 6/26 and I hope for that to be the first of the weekly additions to the flowering room.

    SH678 051009 01.jpg

    We can talk about soil, lighting, etc. as this thread progresses. I'm up too late again! Gott aget up early tomorrrow!

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  3. OK. One more post tonight.

    Here are a slew of SSH clones, all nice and healthy.

    Clones 051009 01.jpg

    Here are the less healthy clones. Mostly, the Super Skunk clones. That one is a mo-fo to clone! 2 weeks or more for roots to develop!

    Clones 051009 02.jpg

    Note: The red cup sprout is not mine. It's a strain called "Dumbass" that I germinated for a freind.

    Here's the current clone bucket. All SSHs except the middle hole, which is an SS.

    Clones 051009 03.jpg

    Here's a shot of my lower veg area.

    Veg 051009 01.jpg

    Here's a shot into my flowering room. The flouro tubes are going. I've already disabled half of them. I hope to replace the rest with 2 to 4 more UFOs.

    1212 051009 01.jpg

    More coming soon...
  4. Quick update, because I'm a little excited!

    I just orderd 3 more tri-band UFOs! $430 delivered!

    Now my flower room will have 5 tri-band UFOs and a 400 watt MH. Should be plenty of light to support my 8 perpetual plants as well as a couple of side project plants. Plus that room has plenty of space.

    My veg room will continue to have 2 dual-band UFOs and as many 26 watt CFLs as seem necessary for the plants at the time. I figured out that my space limitation will be what I'll need for vegging, clones and clone mothers. Pretty sure I will be able to work that out, though. If only my vegging room was 2 inches wider! Then I'd have room for 9 buckets. As it is, there's room for 6 buckets plus around 4 1 gallon pots.

    UFOs with yo-yo hangers are the shit! It's so easy to unhook them and move them, that I'm sure I'll be moving one or 2 UFOs between the two areas to suit the situation. For a while anyway, until the perpetual is all primed and producing regularly.

    All this time, I've been running a total of 880 watts in 4 foot flouros. I recently cut that down to 480 in order to get my high temps back to below 85. When the new UFOs go in, the rest of the flouros will come out. I'm sure that I wasn't getting the bang for the watts that I should have been using those units. Hell, half of every tube went higher than the plants!

    OK. Gotta go and spend some time with my wife! Peace out!
  5. Nice lookin plants dude, got some big things happenin round here, how long is the flower time on the SSH? I know hazes can flower for 4 months or longer, keep it green dude +rep
  6. #7 MX Grower, May 11, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: May 11, 2010
    Say, Jay!

    I just recently harvested my first of these SSH last month. The literature on the seeds said 8 weeks and that's pretty much exactly how long it took.

    Since you asked ... here's my log data on it:

    Start germination

    Move to soil

    Planted in final 12” pot.
    Pre-flowers appeared

    Move to 12/12
    54 days old. Day 1 of flowering.
    One week trim
    Long week!
    56 days of flowering

    Harvested Buds

    Wet Weight

    Dry Weight

    I know, I can be very anal at times! I have one of these logs for every plant I have and had, besides the young clones. It turns out to be a very useful, anal thing I do. I go back to these all the time.

    I harvested 2 of the super skunk plants in march. They took 63 days, so nine weeks. I was thinking 8, but I just checked the logs. That throws a tiny ***** in my plan, since it revolved around using two 8-week strains. I guess I'll have to figure out some minor adjustments in order to ensure weekly harvests. Still, I intend to harvest roughly every week. I guess that goes without saying. I'm rambling, but I'm bummin' on the 9-week thing right now. It was way better when they were both 8-week strains!


    Strong possibility: Grow SSH only in the perpetual. SS could always continue in a side grow. IDK. Still bummin'.

    Edit: Sorry about the way the log data came out! It looked a lot better when I pasted the Word table into the reply box.

    This is kinda funny - the GC software put in asterisks! I meant as in armor, nothing racial!

  7. hi MX just a thought take apart the light fixture and mount those ballast outside the box. let those girls grow right up on those big 4ft bulbs. little heat and the closeness of the bulb will make up for lack of intensity. they will love it looks great buddy
  8. Yeh, it's a thought, and thanks for the suggestion, but I'm limited total-wattage-wise in the room because of room heat and I think I can grow way more bud with the 270 watts worth of LED than the 480 watts of flourocents that I'll be exchanging them with.

    On to the grow...

    Here's a few shots of my two outside plants. The larger one was my Carmelicious clone mother. I was disappointed by my Carmelicious grow, but I'd rather just let this girl go outside than throw or give her away. She was planted in the groound about 5 or 6 days ago. The big fan leaves turned dark green, then black, then white - but never got crispy or dead. Now they're way better. We had torrential rain last night at times, but they seemed to have loved it! Both look great today!

    The smaller is a Super Silver Haze that I planted on Saturday.

    SS5 051110 01.jpg

    Here, you can see both of them.

    C2 SS5 051110 01.jpg

    Like I said before, this is in our retired chicken coop. Very fertile soil! We grew 2 killer bagseed plants in that area last year. Those were what got me started on all this growing shit!

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  9. #10 MX Grower, May 12, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: May 15, 2010
    Here's another side project. Full Moon 100% sativas from Nirvana.

    FM 051009.jpg

    I hope these girls do well flowering under UFO LEDs.

    By the way, I am no longer bummed about the 9 week flower times on the SS, instead of 8 like I first thought. Whenever I add a plant to 12/12, it will be on the date that should get me a harvest on the desired future date to maintain my one-week harvests. Since I'll know what date I want to harvest it, all I have to do is see what plant I'm flowering next, and either flower it 8 weeks or 9 weeks before that. Duh! That's so simple and I didn't see it before! In fact, I'll gladly mix it up now and then if I come across seeds or clones from something new and good that flowers in the 7 to 10 week range.
  10. Sup MX! I'm sub'ed bruh. If I keep hangin' around maybe I'll learn something :eek::D
  11. Great to see you here, AllGood! Mr. Fuckin Popularity! Every time I look, your status bar is a square longer! Hey man, I can't wait to virtually smoke some of your dank buds with you in a few weeks!
  12. OK. Here we go with an update. Pretty much in order of age. I'll begin with the three that are currently flowering.

    Let me start by saying that I think I will add a week to the flowering times that I'll be using in my perpetual planning. My wife and son think I should start going with more amber, or at least try a few that way. So that means 9 weeks for SSHs and 10 weeks for SSs.

    First the LST-ed White Widow, under a UFO. Expected harvest is now around 6/5.

    WW3 051409 03.jpg

    This SSH under the 400w MH will be the next to comlpete. She's exactly 3 weeks into 12/12 here. From the looks of it, I'm pretty sure that this will be my best yielder yet. I'm hoping for 4 zips. Expected harvest on this one is on 6/25.

    SH3 051409 02.jpg

    SH3 051409 04.jpg

    And here is the UFO Super Skunk 2 weeks into 12/12. She should be done a week or two after the SSH, but it looks like she's further behind than that, I think she's running on a bit too much N right now. I might have to flush, but I'm hoping that with that big bush of dark green, she can quickly use up the surplus without hurting her flowering.

    SS3 051409 03.jpg

    All of the super skunks I have are clones of the one from my first LED grow. That plant had the iciest buds I have ever seen. I'm very excited about this plant. If you look closely at the last pic, you can see that even the largest leaves already have a dusting of ice.

    I'll continue with the vegging plants in the next post...

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  13. On to the veg plants...

    This SSH will be going into 12/12 either next Saturday or, more likely, the one after that. I'd really like to keep the size up a bit on my girls before I put them in 12/12 and I don't think I want to throw that out in order to achieve the weekly harvests sooner. I'll just have to play it by feel as things progress.

    So here's that SSH. When she goes, it'll be under a UFO. When this plant completes, I will be able to make a good comparison of flowering under MH vs UFO.

    SH4 051410 02.jpg

    These two Super Skunks will be the next to get flowered. When I planted them in the 5 gal buckets, the one on the left was already larger than the other one. Since then the one on the left has been under 2x26watt CFLs and the other under a UFO. You can see the difference.

    SS4 SS5 051410.jpg

    Here are the Full Moon sativas. They will be a part of my perpetual grow after all. I'll just schedule them into 12/12 based on their flowering periods to achieve the desired harvest dates, like all the others.

    FM1 FM2 051410.jpg

    Here are the current group of 1 gallon SSHs. There's a good chance that these will go into 12/12 all in a row. I'll have a flood of SSH when they come out! I think by then, I'll be harvesting weekly.

    SH Clones 051410.jpg

    Here are the SS clones. In case you didn't catch it when I said it before, this SS has been very hard for me to clone. The roots come in so slowly that the clone gets almost all yellow by the time I can plant it. Then they struggle to come back, although most all do.

    SS Clones 051410.jpg

    Here's my nursery of very young and super-struggling clones. I may lose one or two of these.

    Nursery 051410.jpg

    Look at this sad little clone! I think she's in pain all the time. Think she'll make it?

    SS11 051410 01.jpg

    And that's it for this week's post! Hope it was good for you. It would really be nice to hear from a few of you!

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  14. #15 69erikm, May 15, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: May 15, 2010
    hey Mx what are your personal cannabis needs? & what are your grow goals?[​IMG]
  15. GM 69er!

    My wife, son and I could easily go through an ounce of dank bud per week. I'd like to get to where we don't have to meter ourselves and can freely give it away to other family members and friends.

    If I get a surplus, then I wouldn't mind recouping some of my cash, maybe getting some more seed, other things to improve the operation. If there's more cash, then exotic vacations I suppose (although I have no one to feed and water for me while I'm gone!).

    At this time, my grow goals are to achieve weekly harvests of 2 to 4 ounces and have a great time doing it!

    What's your story?
  16. just stopping by :wave:
  17. I go through an ounce of regs in a month. Can't wait to start smokin' the good stuff! You sound like the very popular family member [​IMG]. I can't tell my peeps or I'll come home to them sitting on my F'ing porch!!

    I FULLY plan on doin' that! Don't see anything wrong with that one homie [​IMG]
    Sounds like that surplus can pay for a nice drip system.[​IMG]

    I like that MX. Hell of a plan. I need more space to pull that one off. Do you and the wife like to travel? You being a soil(less) grower that drip system would do you well I would think. Maybe you should do a trial run just for shits and giggles bruh.

    As always you got some of the sexiest bitches in the City. Love to [​IMG] on here!
  18. Hi AG, thanks for stopping by and happy weekend to you!

    I actually started with a drip system, but when I found out my tap water's pH was around 8.4, I yanked it. Plus with the organics, I add three or four things everytime I water (CalMag, molasses, superthrive, big bloom if flowering).

    If we did plan a vacation, I think I could ghetto something together just to make sure the plants didn't dry up. Maybe that's what you meant, a gravity-fed drip system from a raised tank or reservoir. For that matter, why not a pump on a timer? Now you got me thinking!

    Hell yeh, although we don't do enough of it! We love tropical beach settings with nothing to do but hang out at the water. Our favorite vacation spot is Napili Bay in Mauai. For our last vacation, we spent a week in the Mayan Riviera. That trip was the shit! But when we came back, it became the shits! (If you know what I mean!). Probably like everyone here on GC, we want to go to Amsterdam some time and do some coffee shop lounging.

    A couple of years ago, we discovered float-tripping - all-day canoeing with friends in some very isolated settings. That is some cool shit there!

    Kindest thing anyone said to me in a long time! Thanks, dude!
  19. Hey, GB. I almost missed you up there! Thanks for coming by!

    Hey, I was going through a thread last night and came across a post of yours where you indicated that you were working on a refining process, an alternative to hash making. Do you know what I'm talking about? Any progress on that?

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