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Using other things for bong water...

Discussion in 'Bongs, Dab Rigs, Bubblers, Water Pipes' started by The Mad Hasher, Apr 17, 2010.

  1. Recently, I've started using the Aquafina Flavor Splash water instead of regular water (it smells and tastes better), and then I started experimenting with other things like O.J. (for O.J. Kush), a coke, etc. Does anyone else do this?
  2. [​IMG]

    Nothing else.
  3. the best i have ever tried was the "XXX" flavor of vitamin water. the bud tastes more fruity like pomegranate.
  4. Make sure whatever your putting down there isn't going to filter out any thc, like alcohol.

    I just put water in there myself. If I want a better taste, I'll get some weed that tastes better lol.
  5. flavored water works nice. it gives smoke the perfect taste
  6. i use water 99% of the time but sometimes when im bored as balls ill buy some kool aid powder and use that
  7. Just use flavored extract it works way better than juice or anything else. I have banana, vanilla, and orange and you can really taste those flavours
  8. my friend used lemon juice one time, but that wasnt that good.

    cold water is the ONLY thing you should be putting in your bong.
  9. No hot water love?
  10. #10 farmerjane, Apr 17, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 17, 2010
    i read a long time ago in the psychedelics encyclopedia (peter stafford) that hot water works better in the bong. you get more of the tch that way.
  11. I tried orange faygo once tasted good as fuck but mold formed in my bong:( was a pain getting that shit out
  12. water only here. if you are putting soda in your bong, it'll get all sticky and gross.

    water, the colder the better imo
  13. domt try beer
    is too bubbly
  14. I've read sugar drinks will filter out some thc, alcohol is just a horrible idea.

    Stick to water bradas!@
  15. Called a waterpipe for a reason. Putting anything other than water in your bong is gunna carry MUCH more bacteria as it sits and will react horribly with the Weed Resin. Unless you've got a bong that you could care less about and don't mind your bong being GRIMEY. Go right on ahead.
  16. Also Ice Cold water is the only way to go. I can't stand to hit a bong with anything warmer than room temperature water.
  17.; I love the stuff i dont cough, it keeps my glass clean, and it gets some carcenagens(sp?) out of the smoke. i would recommend it to anyone and everyone
  18. It opens your lungs with the warm moist air. Just like Hawaiian hot boxing, but you don't get the relief after the hit.

    I'd keep away from extracts and citrus acids; they both work well in absorbing THC, and unless you want to drink your bong water you'd be losing out :p

    Try brushing your teeth before hittin the bong, you get a minty taste AND clean teeth... god knows us stoners need that... :smoking:
  19. Yeah be careful though. Remember never to Smoke ( Ciggarettes ), after chewing anything like gum, brushing your teeth, after eating something delicious. As your taste buds are in a way "Open" or atleast exposed much more, and can result in mouth cancer ! HAIRY TONGUE !:smoking:
  20. Cold water, with ice cubes :) That's the way I always have and that's the way I always will.

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