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Photos You've Taken!

Discussion in 'The Artist's Corner' started by Hilikus, Jan 28, 2010.

  1. Hey guys!

    This is a general thread to share any photos you've taken. I bring my camera everywhere with me (just as a hobby though) and I really enjoy sharing the pictures I take, but I usually don't wanna make a whole thread dedicated to them and there's really no where else for them to go... except now there is!

    Whether you're an amateur or a pro, all pics are welcome :)

    Obviously compliments are welcome too, but please no critiques unless the poster asks for it... and if they do ask for it, keep it polite. The Artist's Corner is one of the chillest sections of GC, let's keep it that way!


    Today I woke up to unexpected snow and went for a walk.



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  2. Yay Hili, you're the best. :) :D





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  3. :rolleyes:
    Just as I get a new phone and lose all my pics from Costa Rica.
    It's cool they're online somewhere - I'll find em and post them here when I do.

    Nice pics both of you btw.

    Lol love the swans and that cow.
  4. [​IMG]





    I love this thread, Hil! :)
    • Like Like x 8
  5. Here's a few:















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  6. Some of my favorite shots I took in 2009...enjoy C&C welcome.

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  7. I love the pictures everyone! :D





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  8. Great post!

    I've always wanted to post pictures for no good reason but never really found a place to do it... I think it's a great idea!

    And I think the pictures people are posting are fantastic! So damn REAL.
  9. Bangkok

    Java, Indonesia

    Angkor Thom, Cambodia

    Angkor Wat
    • Like Like x 5
    • Agree Agree x 1
  10. A picture I took of a painting in shinjuku tokyo.

    My boy at the park

    yellow flower

    Rusty fence

    Coffee Jell-O
  11. the view when i look to the left in front of my house(well not mine but my parents')

    thought it looks pretty cool with the smoke from the coolingtower of the nuclear power plant^^
  12. hard shot to do without a tripod. victoria BC




    Indy car


    food coloring

    boiler controls in an abandoned hospital

    pond. i know, its a little busy

    more motocross. fuck i wish i didnt cut off his wheel

    sorry for the terible quality of this one. shot with a 75-300mm at a long distance then cropped to hell. that boat was way out there.


    im open to all critisim, im aware they are snapshops but any advice is more than welcome as long as its not about editing them, the last one is the only one i took the time to touchup. :D
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  13. Lol this is me :) taken with my camera phone... haha
    my chubby ol' fingers :laughing:
    I like it a lot, I don't have any pretty nature to take pictures of though

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  14. family ranch (actually the property my dad grew up on)

    some bugs on the ranch house (not sure what they are called, they are EVERYWHERE)

    canyon near the ranch house

    jeepin to the canyon

    tornado outside my house

    epic drunk person fail (that is a breathalyzer machine being installed, and that is an empty bottle of bacardi found under the seat)

    maybe ill post some more later
    • Like Like x 1
    • Funny Funny x 1
  15. I'll bite





    Last two were not taken by me, but rather I was present.


  16. YEM, where are the first few pics? beautiful
  17. well I got a few, but they aren't very good. They were taken as reference photos for a project rather than being pieces of artwork in of themselves. They were taken on my campus, we're lucky that we have about 1800 acres of forest and coastline surrounding the main campus. You can find a lot of weird things out there. I also can get access to the steam tunnels too, I've got a few images from those excursions, but I was limited by not having a tripod.

  18. Glacier National Park in Montana.
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