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why is everyone so afraid of death??

Discussion in 'Philosophy' started by Stoogemeister, Dec 16, 2009.

  1. is it because it is unknown what happens after?

    or the pain that might be involved in your death?

    i dunno, today i kind of surprised myself. I thought about death for a minute and i realized that it wouldnt be that bad, no more shit to deal with all the time. Who knows what happens afterword but there is so much pain and suffering in this day to day life that the good points hardly seem worth it

    im not saying im gonna kill myself or anything its just like, would it really be so bad to be dead? I dont know...
  2. I'm afraid of like death by cancer or something like that. Because it would be slow, degrading, ect... But I wouldn't be too scared of getting stabbed, shot, or some form of painfull injury. I'd just try to chill and wait for help or my death.

    But yeah I'm really only scared of death by infection of 3rd degree burns or cancer or other degenerative diesese.
  3. It's all those things you said.

    And it means the end of the party! :smoking:
  4. I am afraid of death because I do not believe in an afterlife

    I am afraid of death because I believe on my death bed I will realize that I wasted my life or at least didn't nearly live it up to my potential (and was aware of it while I was living)

    I am afraid of death because I don't want to lose ... well... life.

    Is that enough? Makes sense while people are afraid of death
  5. #5 FoodLion, Dec 16, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 16, 2009
    it's quite depressing when you look at death itself, really. Everything you've ever worked for, everything you've ever built up, anything and everything that has to do with you is erased. All that remains is memories. Also, there are lots of people afraid of going to hell. Who wouldn't be afraid of burning in darkness for eternity? For those who believe in hell atleast.

    but the afterlife should be SICK. Whatever it may be. And if there for some reason is no afterlife, it's just nothingness. Exactly what it was like before you were born. Nothing.

    so when someone close to you passes away, you believe that they're completely gone? You don't ask for help from any higher power that may be out there? You don't believe they're still alive in spirit? That must suck. It'd be hard for me.
  6. im mostly afraid of the pain involved, dying by torture or some other cruel painful experience frightens me. idk
  7. I can't answer your question but I do agree with you. My grandmas 94 years old. Day before she goes in to get a pacemaker put in, I bring up the fact my mom still hasn't changed over are internet phones and tv to my new employer. Saving $120 a month... But no topic of the day is how sad we are that grandmas getting a pace maker put in. My sister(25yo grad student)started crying and then proceeded to hit me a few times, all because I wanted to get a ETA of when I was going to have new internet.

    Why the fuck do you need to act like this when you know its going to happen and soon at 94?

    Obviously everything went well and she still has the drive to do everything on her own. But the point is everyone will die, some older than others, some more traumatic than others but it is certain you will die.
  8. I'm afraid of the fear mostly. Those moments, minutes, hours, days, where you are filled with pain and panic from something horrific. As a survival mechanism we are all wired to be afraid and feel pain.

    A huge part is the fear of "what if this is it?" I don't want to have lived my life on the concept that there is something more just to die and that be it.
  9. I try not to be afraid of death let alone think about it. I don't want to waste my time worrying about something like that when I can be enjoying what I have now.
  10. only 2 thing that i worry about if i was to die are
    How would my girl / family take it and would they be ok in the end.
    My dog who would take care of her / can they give her as much attention (sp ?) as i do.
    Other then that I'd be good too go.
  11. I am not afraid of death. I have embraced death and I understand that it's another stage of life that every living being goes through, and I see it as a learning process. Death is not the end of anything, only the beginning of everything.
  12. my opinion is: the people who are afraid to die are the people who are afraid to leave all their ego, materialisms, attachments, and relationships but also the people who believe your soul dies with you when your body dies.

    i personally am not afraid of death but i am on no rush at all for this natrual process.
  13. to those of you who are interested in death, maybe you should read the Bachman books by Stephen King. The Long Walk to be more specific, great, great book, and no this isnt spam :p. I just think you guys should read it.
  14. Im scared of death because I love my life.
    You never want something good to end.
  15. death is selfish, it shouldn't exist.

    why end your story tough times or smooth, life is something to cherish and not taken for granted.
  16. This should be in Spirituality and Philosophy. If you haven't checked that forum out, its full of awesome threads like this.
  17. I love life....death is unknown

    Would you be afraid to walk through a door that could either lead to, a pit of fire and torture or a vast imagination land where anything is possible? The unknown is frightening to me, especially with so many theories about it.

    I just don't want my time on this earth to end, its so wonderful here
  18. This topic was "funny" to I just watched my uncle pass away recently...The situation affected me in a way I never saw coming. This question...actually the thought that time is evergoing..that I will one day be an old man on my death bed..assuming I don't die "early" (as a young man)...I will one day be there. And it will feel as though an instant has passed..because all we have is the moment...

    After the funeral I began to have extreme anxiety...I mean full out anxiety attacks that lasted days..not exagerrating. I would just obsessively think about getting older, becomming a man, dying...time...etc..all of this just scared the shit out of me. I ended up going as far as to speak to a professional. It did help somewhat..I just came to realize that it is fact, I guess my dilema was that I finally came to a true realization that there is no true control in life. Sure, you can choose what you'd like to eat, wear etc...but you can't choose to live can't control the deaths of others in that sense either, you certainly can't control time, you couldn't control who your parents would be, where you were born, what you look like(I mean core looks) control. The sooner you accept that, the better.

    The idea of death still bothers me a lot..the idea of seeing my relatives get older..specifically my parents get older and die..I get that anxious feeling again..
  19. those who are afraid to die are the ones who do not believe in the afterlife
  20. #20 Bud420, Dec 16, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 16, 2009
    The reason I am afraid of death is because I think of it to much like sleep. In which when you sleep you don't know you were sleep until you awake (especially when you don't have a dream). I think I am most afraid of the blankness like when we sleep. I am depressed thinking what's the point of doing anything if we are just gonna die anyways. It's not like I will remember anything. I feel so unlike everybody else when I think like this. and now I am telling people I don't know on an internet message board. When I can't even face myself and tell my mom or anybody else that I love. I think it's because I am embarassed about it and don't want to be judged that way. I just want to be normal

    Also when I think about when my mom will die or anybody else I know. How I can't talk to them or see them. This is actually crazy that I saw this thread I thought I was alone in how I thought about death.

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